24 June 2024 (Monday) - Rather Hot

As I peered into the internet this morning quite a few people were ranting about a new law in Louisiana which requires the ten commandments to be on display in all public classrooms in the state.
There are those who are very much against this, not no one seems against it enough to do anything other than rant on Facebook. I’m reminded of my crackpot landlady who owned the flat in which we lived forty years ago. She had some strange ideas about animal welfare and veganism and all sorts of things which at the time were considered laughable. She once told me that her and her loony mates needed to be in positions of authority and then no one would laugh at them… and whilst people laughed they stood for election in councils and public bodies and now their ideas are mainstream.
Much the same is happening in America right now. A lot of people are angry about what is happening in Louisiana, but no one is angry enough to do anything other than whinge on Facebook.
And there was an argument about the relative merits of America and Denmark. Americans were getting rather nasty about how much tax the Danish pay, seemingly not realising that many people feel it better to pay more tax and have schools and hospitals and public amenities.
I took the dogs to the woods. We got there to find the road from the A251 was closed and blocked up with road works. So we drove to the other end of the road only to find that too was blocked. I had an idea to walk round Godmersham Park; as I drove up the A28 some idiot in a black van was feet from my back bumper. Had I been in the boot with the hatch open I could have touched his car, he was that close. I pulled over and he stopped and shouted a load of abuse about why I was driving so slowly (two miles per hour less than the speed limit!) I pointed out the fallacy of behaving so aggressively when his company name and contact details were plastered all over the van he was driving. He suddenly changed his tune and was all sweetness and light. Such a shame I never actually made a note of his company’s name.
We drove down to Orlestone for a walk; starting walking just over an hour after we left home. Having had issues with Morgan and Bailey at Orlestone before, they stayed on the lead until we were well away from the roads. Other than Pogo screaming at the normal people the walk went rather well. It was only a shame it was so warm.
Once home I had a look in the garden but it was too hot to be out there for any length of time so I came in and did the monthly accounts. Not too shabby really. I did a spot of CPD and then completely forgot that it was too hot outside and went out anyway. I stripped ivy from the fences, strimmed the lawn edges, mowed the lawn and took the garden scissors to the stepping stones.
Daddy’s Little Angel TM and I then spent a rather frustrating hour or so trying to stop “Darcie Waa Waa TM flinging stones into the pond.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza which me and “Daddy’s Little Angel TMscoffed whilst watching South Park on the Sky Q box whilst littlun scoffed choccy brekkie cereals. Perhaps not the best thing to eat, but she ate three bowlfuls.
The girls have gone up for an early night; I expect they will be down soon. If they do come down I might go up. I mentioned it was hot outside today; I might have overdone the being out in the sun today.

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