15 June 2024 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Geo Meet

I lay awake for a few minutes this morning just before I got up listening to the sound of silence. Peace and tranquility reigned as three dogs and “er indoors TMslumbered. I found myself comparing this to the fidgeting, snoring and farting which had filled most of the night.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet as I do. On one of the 1970s-related Facebook pages I follow I read a particularly vicious argument about the (frankly dreadful) TV show Metal Mickey.. “Metal Mickey” was a rather irritating robot from fifty years ago with the catchphrase "boogie, boogie" and was a spin-off from Bill Oddie’s TV show “Saturday Banana”. For those of my loyal readers who aren’t old enough to remember either shows, both were slightly more crap than a bucket of dire rear.
Harsh? – possibly.
Being Saturday we went to Dog Club where we had a rather good session. One or two new dogs came along, and Morgan had to have a couple of time-outs as he got rather over-excited. Fortunately the rain held off right until the end.
From there we didn’t come home. We headed east listening to Steve on the radio. I got the mystery year right - when was the heatwave in the 70s? 1976.
Pausing only briefly to fail to find a geocache we went to the Black Pig in Staple for the county geo-meet. The plan had been a bat and trap tournament, but the weather was against us. So we sat in the bar and chatted. It was rather good to catch up with old friends and meet new friends. The dogs were rather better behaved than they might have been, and we had cheesy chips too.
We didn’t go straight home. We drove up to the village hall where some other people from the geo-meet were parking up, and together we had a little wander along the lanes hunting out a couple of nearby geocaches before I suddenly realized I’d left the pub without settling my bill. We zoomed back to the pub where the people behind the bar were absolutely fine about it.
They too hadn’t realized I’d not paid up.
We stopped off at a church for geo-purposes on our way home. The church at Knowlton is one on the Parish Peregrination series of geocaches. We walked that series ten years ago but we missed this one out at the time. We came back today, and in retrospect I’m glad we missed it out ten years ago. When we walked round in 2014 we covered nearly seventeen miles and we were against the clock.
This cache was quite a mission today. It was some way down a lane on its own, and once we got to the church we had to find several bits of information. It turned out the information was actually in the church but the given location for this information was some way up the road from the church. And some of the stuff we had to find was rather misleading. Given a picture of a ship with three masts and a question about those masts, which mast is “amidships”? The middle one, or all three?
It was rather frustrating that having made the wrong interpretation and consequently having got to the wrong place, we were at a place which seemed quite a plausible place to hide a geocache. But on re-checking the puzzle solving, “er indoors TM misunderstood what “amidships” meant, and consequently saved the day.
I then slept all the way home.
I took a few photos as we went here and there today.
Once home the dogs settled and were all soon snoring. They were worn out after Dog Club; let alone all the rest of the day’s adventures.
“er indoors TM boiled up dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the last episode of the third season of Race Across the World”. I must admit that for all that Canada was rather pretty, the actual race wasn’t that good. With certain legs of the trip having set ferries and trains to catch, any leads teams made up were soon eroded. And there was an awful lot of hitch-hiking going on. I’d like to go on a road trip across Canada; I’ve no interest in hitch-hiking it.

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