21 September 2023 (Thursday) - A Day's Leave

I woke at one o’clock to find myself in front of the telly with Morgan asleep by my side. I blame the fourth pint of plum porter.
I took myself off to bed and slept rather well.
Over brekkie I saw that the photos I’d posted from the pub last night had received quite a few comments. It had been rather good to catch up last night. Back in the day we used to talk all sorts of geeky stuff with each other; last night we were mostly comparing ailments.
And I sent out some birthday videos this morning; people were having birthdays today. People do that.
Rather than messing about with a phone that never gets answered I went down the road to the dentist and was first one through the door to get an emergence appointment. The woman behind the counter told me they didn’t have any… I told her “No!”, told her I’d been fobbed off yesterday and that I was having an appointment. She booked one for half past five… Emergency, eh?
With “er indoors TM going in to the office today I’d booked a day’s leave to be on dog-sitting duty. I took the dogs out. As we drove up to Kings Wood the pundits on the radio were talking about how Poland had stopped sending military hardware to Ukraine. Snowed out with Ukrainian refugees, not getting the grain shipments that were promised, and seemingly fed up with the loudly expressed ingratitude of the Ukrainian leadership, with an election coming the Polish leaders have had enough.
We got to the woods and had a walk… not one of the better ones with impeccable behavior, and not one of the worse ones either. Rather average really. As we walked we met a nice lady with two small dogs who played with the puppies. The nice lady said she doesn’t come to Kings Wood very often and asked if she was on the right path to get to White Hill. She was. I told her that if she stayed on the path for a mile and a half it would take her straight to the lower car park. Her face fell. “A mile and a half?” she asked. I checked my watch which had been recording the route. When I confirmed the distance she didn’t actually cry, but it wasn’t far off.
After five miles we got back to the car and came home to have our bellies washed (as they were rather grubby). The dogs had a late brekkie and their monthly flea treatments and I put a load of shirts in to wash.
As I scoffed a bit of dinner I started on an epic telly session. As I scoffed dinner and ironed I watched none episodes of “Star Trek: Lower Decks” until it was time for my emergency dental appointment.
After a little fiddling about and an X-ray the dentist declared that the iffy tooth was a bit loose and that the root canal didn’t look right. It did look different to the tooth next to it on the X-ray. He’s recommending a root canal filling which might do the trick, and if it don’t then the tooth will have to come out and I’ll get a falsie.
I’ve got to wait a couple of weeks for the root canal filling. Oh well… the tooth only hurts when I bite down on it. I shall chew with the other half of my gob.
“er indoors TM boiled up some rather good dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Lego Masters: USA”.
Despite having done little more than watch telly today, I’m feeling rather worn out.

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