19 September 2023 (Tuesday) - This n That

Bailey woke me in the small hours when she started coughing. Well, I say "coughing". Just like my Fudge used to, Bailey doesn't so much "cough" as "quack". When she coughs she sounds just like an angry duck. It only lasted long enough to wake me up, but from then on I dozed fitfully not getting more than a few minutes' sleep at any time.
Eventually I gave up trying to sleep, got up and made toast, and watched another episode of "Shameless" in which the scriptwriters would have us believe that a sacked trainee pharmacist (with only a few weeks' experience and no qualifications whatsoever) would have a post-graduate level understanding of pharmacology and would be able to make all manner of designer drugs with a child's toy chemistry set. Mind you the same writers would also have us believe that our heroes "did the dirty deed" with their pants still on (again). As I've said before that show could be so much better had the scriptwriters made just the smallest amount of effort.
I set off work-wards listening to the radio as I went. Apparently the leader of the opposition Sir Kier Starmer is travelling at the moment; meeting all sorts of foreign leaders as he goes. Opposition leaders rarely get this treatment from the leaders of other countries. The pundits on the radio saw this as evidence that all these foreign leaders see him as Britain's future, and consequently Rishi Sunak is already seen as history by the rest of the world.
Is he? Time will tell - it always does.
Mind you Sir Kier is apparently keen to re-negotiate the Brexit deal which pretty much everyone in the UK sees as a bad deal. But he will be on a hiding to nothing as there is pretty much no interest at all anywhere in Europe for digging up the past.
And there was more talk about Russell Brand who denies all the allegations made against him (well he would, wouldn't he?) Apparently yesterday the police received rape allegations about incidents which supposedly happened between 2006 to 2013. Whilst I'm not condoning what he might have done, why does someone wait over ten years before going to the police?
And apparently You-Tube have stopped him making money out of his You-Tube channel.
I suspect that will hurt him far more than the adverse publicity.
I got to work and spent most of the day with a guts ache; with a gut the size of mine, that's a lot to ache. And with work worked I came home. “er indoors TM boiled up a very good chili which we washed down with a bottle of Sainsbury’s red wine. As basic as red wine goes, and far better than stuff four times the price. As we scoffed and guzzled we watched more “Lego Masters: USA”. Not too shabby at all.
And in closing I’ll make the observation that today was International Talk like a pirate day which was seemingly totally missed by everyone
Ten years ago I wrote "In previous years I've blogged about this. I won't go over the old ground; I'll just say that it was a fun idea at the time which has probably long since had its day. It's not been the same since its founder Mad Cap'n Tom threw in the sponge".
I think that was probably fair - now even the website has gone.

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