10 August 2023 (Thursday) - Bit Dull


For the middle of August it was surprisingly cold last night. I blame “er indoors TM who turns on the fan in the small hours then wraps herself in the duvet.
I made toast, watched an episode of "Shameless" and had a look at Facebook. Squabbles abounded, as they always seem to do. Laurel & Hardy, garden ponds, Lego... you name it there is always someone trying to belittle someone else for the most trivial reason.
I tried to have a quick Munz session but the entire Munzee thing was still down. There had been some maintenance done on the Munzee servers which was supposed to have been all sorted by yesterday evening. Presumably there was more to maintain than they had bargained for.
I set off to work listening to the radio with something of a sense of amazement. University chiefs are recommending that students who don't get their first choice of course get in fast with their second and third choices as this year they are expecting stiff competition with more eighteen-year-olds than usual and a lot of international students all competing for limited places on courses.
I can't work out why people have second and third choices. If you get turned down for (say) maths, why on Earth then enroll for history or geography? If you don't get the course you want, why run up debts on something you didn't want to study in the first place?
Mind you apparently one in five university students now operate from the family home as the cost of living in digs or student halls is becoming prohibitive.
I stopped off at Tesco to get a sandwich (for the simple reason that I couldn't find my sandwich box this morning). When I came to pay there was a minor rumpus at the tills. One woman announced (quite rightly) that she didn't work there, and either Tesco could give her a serious reduction for using the self-service tills, or they could open a till for her. A till was opened, and immediately lots of people (including me) formed a queue for that till. So many that a second till had to be opened.
Work was work; again the newest staff were amazed to find that I had more tattoos than everyone else in the department put together.
After another dull day I came home. “er indoors TM was a tad late back from the Godinton estate where she’d been on cat supervising duties, so we scoffed KFC as we watched the season finale of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds”.
It was rather good – I didn’t see the (in retrospect entirely expected) twist coming.
The Munzee servers are still down…

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