The high spot of my professional life today was a discussion on who would be the putative winner of a hypothetical fight between a “sooki la-la” and a “raw prawn”. Having failed to reach a decision, the rest of the afternoon was spent arguing about how many fingers and toes Brian Blessed has lost to frostbite during his arctic and mountaineering exploits. I was unaware that he’d lost any extremities, and the Internet was not forthcoming on the subject. All I could find was that he’d done his foot in a parachuting accident. If any of my loyal readers could shed any light on how many bits (if any) Mr B has lost, please let me know.
I came home from work to a present - “My Boy TM ” has acquired a whole load of plastic jobbies to go into the fish poo filter. They will come in handy. I fed the fish in the rain – they don’t know it’s raining. I wish the rain would stop – I need to do something about the flat roof again, and can’t all the time it’s raining. The chodbin’s still mucking about too. If any of my loyal readers are a dab-hand with toilets, please don't keep it a secret.
Some days of my life can be rather dull…
Philip is pretty good at bogs now. Pity he is so far away.
ReplyDeleteHave beaten a couple of cisterns into submission over the years, could probably be persuaded to impart my knowledge over a proverbial crafty half at Smarden?
ReplyDeleteThe 'Bloke From the Smoke' is a plumber, although he is based on the other side of London to you, he may well be down at Brenzett Kite Festival this weekend so you could collar him there.
ReplyDeleteOh by the way the Bloke's contact details can be found here: http://www.lesreedplumbing.co.uk. Given the weekend's weather forecast, he might welcome a trip to look at your chodbin.