30 December 2023 (Saturday) - Another Birthday

And then some nights the dogs curl up and stay settled and everyone gets a good night. I slept right through until the alarm went off at half past seven this morning.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. Today’s on-line squabbles were about abandoned supermarket trolleys and how rude it is for people to write descriptions of geocaches in the language of the country in which they are in (!). And then “er indoors TM laid an egg as her toast burned, and she cast aspersions at the last person to use the toaster. Toasters boil my piss. They have two settings; “lightly warm the bread” and “incinerate”. The trick is to watch them like a pork (as “My Boy TM” used to say) and sprong the toast out manually when you think it is ready… because you know the toaster will stuff it up if left to its own devices.
With my arse kicked we got ready for the morning. As we drove over to Repton so Steve was on the radio doing the “Guess the Lyrics” competition. When we tuned in, only one person had got it right. “Right on the target but wide of the mark. What I thought was fire was only the spark”. I got it right away, and was incredibly smug as “er indoors TM recognized it but couldn’t place it. (ABC – Poison Arrow)
We went on to dog club. Attendance was down today; I suspect most people thought we were closed for Christmas. But we had a great time; the dogs certainly did.
As we drove home we listened to the radio again, and I got the mystery year right… 1972. Go me!!
Once home I emptied the dog club collection pot. We probably had as much money as we should have had. I’m not going to collect it from each and every person; I’m just going to put out the pot and trust people to pay. And several people pay by text or direct transfer anyway. I pocketed the cash and paid an equivalent amount into the Repton Community Trust’s bank account. I’m happy with the arrangement. I don’t use much cash anyway, and this way I won’t need to go to the bank every couple of months.
And then my phone pinged. Fishgirl had opened her qrate (as Fishgirls do) and our Munzee Clan had got our target for the month.
I loaded the baby seat into the car (well, “er indoors TM” did) and drove to Folkestone to collect Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and “Darcie Waa Waa TM (“Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM” had a better offer).  “My Boy TM” and Cheryl soon joined us and my brother and his branch of the tribe weren’t far behind. It was my brother’s birthday today and we were having a little family get-together. “er indoors TM put on a very good spread and we all scoffed and drank.
I took a few photos during the afternoon, but things definitely got more and more vague as the afternoon went on. I can remember saying goodbye to everyone… and suddenly it was nine o’clock in the evening and I woke up underneath a pile of dogs.
I’ve got a bit of a headache

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