19 December 2023 (Tuesday) - More Guts Ache

I was up rather early again this morning. My innards still weren’t right. Perhaps that pound of Stilton I scoffed on Saturday night wasn’t sitting right? I watched an episode of “Harry Enfield and Chums", ten had a quick look at the Internet.
Yesterday I mentioned that I had another of those dodgy friend requests on Facebook. This morning I had another one. I hesitate to say that “Goddess Elizabeth” has been generated by an AI, but she does seem to have an extra buttock in a rather odd place.
And I had an email from the nice people at Credit Karma who said my credit rating had gone up eleven points. I have a theory about me credit rating. Having spent loads on getting the roof done, the rating went up. It went up when I bought the car a couple of years ago. Does it go up whenever I spend a load of money?
I set off to work. On the one hand the journey to work was easier than yesterday in that I didn't have to slalom around stupidly parked dustbin lorries all the way. On the other had it was rather scary having a huge lorry from EcoHome Insulation not five yards from my back bumper for several miles. I eventually found a spot where I could pull over to let this lorry pass, and it flew past me at breakneck speed only to get stuck at the next turning where I caught up with it. And then flew off again at breakneck speed only to get stuck at the next junction where I caught up with it again. And so it continued. After ten miles (from Biddenden to the A21) it eventually turned off towards Lamberhurst having got to that roundabout about three seconds faster than I had.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about how the USA is leading an international coalition to protect commercial shipping in the Red Sea from pirates. Personally I'd think that having a flotilla of battleships would be counterproductive. If I was a pirate I'd wait until the warships all pissed off before doing any pirating. Surely the best thing to do would be to equip the cargo vessels with torpedoes and companies of marines, and when the unsuspecting pirates show up, blow them out of the water? But what do I know?
There was also an interview with Esther Rantzen. She's really ill, and has joined up with Dignitas; the clinic that helps people to die when their time is up. Personally I think she's done the sensible thing. Having taken two dogs down that route, it's the way I'd like to go myself... but not just yet, eh?
Work was work. I can’t say I dislike my job, but I will say I was glad when it was time to go home today. And then I braved the frankly dreadful journey home. Leaving work a few minutes before sunset I drove home through the dark with only some of the oncoming cars dipping their headlights.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza and garlic bread for dinner. With my stomach finally settled from the weekend’s Stilton I might well have set it off again with the garlic bread.
Have I? We shall find out…

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