6 November 2022 (Sunday) - Still Raining

Apart from a swift tiddle at four o’clock I slept for eleven hours last night. I finally woke when “er indoors TM
let the puppies stomp all over me just after ten o’clock. I said I was feeling iffy yesterday.
Having “done my business” I took the dogs into the garden to do theirs. They weren’t keen on the idea. The overnight rain was still bucketing down, and the garden which had been a desert only a couple of short months ago was now a quagmire, and the humungous tree down the road had dropped its leaves all over my lawn again. The garden really needed (and still needs) an hour or so’s tidying up… but not today.. Once it all dries up a bit I shall see if I can borrow a leaf blower from somewhere. That might be something with which I could amuse the dogs.
As we all stood in the rain, two dogs eventually did that which was expected of them; Morgan stood on the doorstep glaring his contempt at the rain, and crapped on the bathroom floor a short time later.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. Overnight a friend had posted a link to my Facebook page. There’s a castle for sale… Admittedly it is in Scotland, but…
*If* you know what you are doing, the restoration would be a project you could do yourself. I know of one or two people who live in what I can only describe as palaces, having started off in tumbledown sheds, done them up, sold them at a profit and moved on. A castle of my own… It would be good, wouldn’t it? If I had my time again, I wouldn’t piss about with testing blood. I’d have learned how to build. Having said that I know of several builders who are struggling right now.
I just want to be able to afford to live in a pristine castle. Is that so much to ask?
I then sent out invites to nine other people who waste their spare time scanning bar codes stuck to lamp posts so as to build up our clan for the Munzee clan war. It has to be said that if I scanned a few less lamp posts and learned how to do a dovetail joint then I might be living in a castle…
While I waited for “er indoors TM to do whatever it was she was doing I wasted an hour trying (and failing) to make a small Lego Dalek.
With the heavy rain showing no sign of letting up we drove down to Hastings. First of all we visited the hospice to deliver some donations. Dad had been very impressed with how they had looked after Mum in her last two weeks, and wanted any donations in his memory to go to them. Hundreds of pounds were donated on-line, but some people sent cheques for the hospice to the funeral directors. Whilst that was incredibly kind of everyone, for me it was something of a “pain in the glass” (as “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM” would say). It’s actually a legal requirement that any donations that the funeral directors receive in memory of the deceased have to be forwarded to the executors of the deceased, *not* to the person or organisation for which they are attended…
This means that (by law) cheques received at the funeral directors (which is a ten minute walk from the hospice) had to be posted to me (thirty miles away) so I could then make a sixty mile round trip to deliver them.
With cheques delivered we drove on to visit sister-in-law… I say “visit sister-in-law”. Seeing her (and niece and nephew) was definitely an added bonus, but I am sure she (and niece and nephew) were well aware that my attention was on the puppies. Her dog had had a litter of puppies a couple of weeks ago. They were such adorable little things. All but one have now got homes. I would be tempted to take on the last one, but being Labradors they will be a tad bigger than I could really cope with.
Whilst there I got perhaps the best cup of coffee I have had for years (must find out what coffee she uses!) and scoffed some rather good choccy cake thingies and biscuits too. And as a second added bonus I got tiddled on. There are some who wouldn’t be too keen on having a small dog piss all over you; I thought it was rather adorable.
From sister-in-law we went on to visit mother-in-law. Not having fallen off of any ladders recently (!) she was well. We chatted for a while bemoaning a nephew who seems determined to utterly stuff his life up and won’t listen to reason or common sense (but that’s a rant for another time).
The plan was to be home relatively promptly; but what with daylight saving it was dark before we left Hastings.
We got home and the dogs went mad sniffing us all over. They were very excited at the smell of puppy tiddle. I had a shower and put the tiddled-on stuff in the washing machine whilst “er indoors TM boiled up dinner.
Despite the rain, today was a rather good one.

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