10 April 2011 (Sunday) - This n That

Yesterday whilst on the way to the Mr Teeth extravaganza I saw signs advertising that Lenham market was on today. Billed as one of the leading country markets in Mid Kent it is a shining example of why one should never believe what one reads on the internet. With half a dozen stalls selling plants, and another half a dozen stalls selling overpriced home made rubbish, it was a total waste of my morning. I rather resented it, as we’d decided to go to the market rather than to go kiting at Streatham.  In retrospect I wish we’d gone kiting.
We came home though Charing to have a look-see. The village was strewn with bunting: obviously there is some local cause for celebration. Possibly they were rejoicing for Mr Teeth’s recent visit to the area.

Once home I mowed the lawn, and then had a review of work that needs doing in the garden. I have mentioned before about the joys of a low maintenance garden, but “low maintenance” isn’t “zero maintenance”. Jobs I could do today were emptying the compost bin and fixing the washing line. The compost bin was full, so I took it to the tip to empty it. I got within two streets of the tip and saw how the traffic was queued back from the tip. So I parked my car and carried the compost bin to the tip. I was just about to empty the compost into the skip when a jobsworth in a yellow hi-vis vest came running over to me. There was (apparently) no way on God’s green earth that I could empty my bin into his skip. Why not? Because I’d carried it in. All offerings for the council’s recycling and municipal tipping must be driven in.
It was a hot day, my compost bin was heavy, and I’d carried it from two streets away to have some stupid twit quoting rules for the sake of trying to make himself look important. I didn’t actually lose my temper, but I told jobsworth that there was similarly no way on God’s green earth that I would lug the compost back to my car. It could go into the skip or across the floor. Either would suit me. As jobsworth pondered this, my hand “slipped” and all my compost fell into his skip. Woops!
I went off, assuring him that next time I’d drive in.

I had a plan to restock on fishing tackle, but both the town’s tackle shops were closed. So I went to B&Q for a replacement washing line; the last one snapped last year. Replacing washing line is a simple enough job: it just entails mucking about up a ladder. And with the washing line replaced, that was my garden jobs done for the day. I had bought a piece of batten with which to repair the broken fence panel, but the fence is bent and warped, and the batten is straight. I don’t think I’ve any alternative but to replace the entire fence panel. Or let next door replace it: after all it’s his fence. I then fed the Koi and counted the sturgeons. Both accounted for. So far this year I’ve only seen one sturgeon at a time, but today I saw them both. Having started off the same size, one is now twice the size of the other.

And then I pondered what else needs doing in the garden. There’s an area of decking near the pond that has seen better days. It needs to come out, but I’m not sure what to replace it with. The easy and cheap option would be loads of shingle, but it would be nice to replace the decking. I’ll have a look round the garden centres and see if I can’t get some cheap decking. And then see if I can’t get the fruits of my loin to lay the stuff….

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