9 June 2024 (Sunday) - Another Busy Day

I slept rather well. At about three o’clock I heard Morgan jumping off the bed. I hurried after him as he doesn’t wait very long to be let out if “it’s in the bomb bay”. I couldn’t find him anywhere, so I went back to bed and found him fast asleep in the warm spot I’d left.
I went back to kip and got up just after eight o’clock. I went straight to the pond. The small leak was still intermittently dripping, but there weren’t any major issues so pausing only briefly to tread in dog turd I went back inside. “er indoors TM topped up the bird feeder; as well as pigeons and sparrows we’ve now got a blue tit coming for food.
I peered into the Internet as I do. I had a friend request on Facebook – not from a dubious pornmonger but from an ex-trainee. I’d not heard from him for years…
I saw I’d missed some big open-air carnival/festival event at Woodchurch yesterday. That had been a rather well-kept secret. There wasn’t much else going on in cyber-space really. There was talk of the formation of a new garden pond related Facebook page in which people weren’t allowed to be vindictive and nasty in their comments, but only talk.
And then the dogs went frantic as a leaflet came through the door advocating that we might vote for the Consensus party. Consensus? No – I’d not heard of it either. Basically it’s some chap standing as an independent candidate but it turns out that the financial rules concerning campaigning are such that it is more advantageous to be in a political party than to be independent. So this bloke has made his own political party. He talks a lot of sense but, if elected, he’ll be in a minority of one and consequently pissing in the wind.
With “er indoors TM off out for brekkie I put some washing in to scrub, loaded the dogs into the car and drove down to World of Water at Rolvenden. Yesterday I’d phoned them and they’d told me they’d got the aquarium sealant I needed to sort out the drip in the new bog filter. As I pulled up at the place’s car park it suddenly struck me that I might have tried Bybrook Barn first if only because that would have saved a thirty-mile round trip..
The nice people at World of Water had what I needed, and I had a little look round the display ponds too.
We came home, hung out the washing, and smeared sealant over where I thought the leak was coming out. I also managed to smear it all over the place whilst I was at it. I got most of it off of my hand, but some remains. The filter seemed to have stopped dripping, so I left well alone, and sat by the pond admiring how clear the water was. Compare it to a year ago when it was running a thick green colour.
“er indoors TM soon came home, and we went for a little outing. First of all to Wittersham where “er indoors TM had an errand to run, then we went for a little walk round Tenterden. Over the winter we did a couple of sets of Adventure Lab geocaches and got the final locations of some other geocaches. We went and found those caches today. And on the way back to the car we walked past the Old Dairy Brewery’s taproom. So we sat in the garden and had a pint of “No Mikey, Nowhilst the dogs scoffed some home-made dog treats.
We came home and I went straight out to the pond. The fix to the bog filter seems to have worked; if only for now.
Hopefully “er indoors TM will boil up some dinner soon… What with pond shops and smearing sealants and walking dogs and brewery tap rooms I forgot to scoff anything at lunch time. I’m a tad peckish now…

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