17 June 2024 (Monday) - Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew...

As I scoffed toast I watched the last episode of “Catastrophe”. It wasn’t a bad show really. I then sparked up my lap-top as I do most mornings.
Yesterday I’d posted on the Facebook pond pages asking if anyone might recommend a pond pump to replace my one that keeps blocking up. It seems that other people had the same issue with this pump; it was suggested I took out the thickest bit of filter foam around the cap.
Yesterday I’d posted on the local geocaching page that I intended replacing all my geocaches in Kings Wood in six months’ time. Someone asked when I would be replacing them, and which ones.
And this morning’s petty squabble was on one of the 1970s related Facebook pages in which people were arguing about the names of the firemen in Trumpton.
As I drove to work I listened to the news as I do. It would seem that fewer people do this these days than ever used to, with a quarter of people surveyed worldwide saying they actively avoid listening to the news as they find to too depressing. I can understand that.
Meanwhile in Ukraine it seems there are army squads actively conscripting anyone of military age just like the press gangs of the British navy used to a couple of hundred years ago.
For those wanting to avoid the draft, public transport, restaurants, supermarkets, and weekend trips to the park to play football are all no-go areas. And apparently there really are Facebook groups following and reporting the movements of the press gangs so's people can avoid them.
I got to work where I discovered I'd forgotten to make myself a sandwich this morning. I popped to the works branch of M&S where I got a ham sandwich, some strange bag of barbecue flavoured corn things and a bottle of poncey flavoured fizzy water for a fiver as some sort of meal-deal.
It certainly wasn't worth a fiver.
I came home and saw the pump that I’d cleaned out yesterday morning was already blocked, so I took out that foam around the cap and saw an immediate improvement. Let’s hope it stays improved.
And not-so-nice-next-door has hacked back some of the jungle flowing from her garden into ours. Here’s hoping she hacks back a lot more.
“er indoors TM boiled up pork chops, and despite having lost her voice set off to bowling. I settled in front of the telly and watched the first episode of Geek Girlon Netflix. I don’t know whether I like it or not.
Today was dull… and I’m developing a sore throat.

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