8 June 2024 (Saturday) - Busy Day

As I scoffed toast I saw I had a friend request on Facebook. Sherrill had also asked me if I like sex. That was a tad forward of her, wasn’t it? She went on to tell me that she has created a WhatsApp group for people who are keen on doing the dirty deed. Anyone can join it (even me, apparently) if they are old enough (so that’s one good thing I suppose), and she claimed that there were many beautiful girls and widows in that group who are gagging for it. Fortunately for decency the Facebook Feds deleted her account within minutes of my getting the friend request.
With “er indoors TM off to some Craft Club extravaganza I took the dogs to Dog Club single-handed. Dog club went rather well; we all had a great time scoffing everyone else’s dog treats, playing fetch, rolling in mud and generally doing what dogs do.
One woman was rather sweet; I overheard her nervously asking who was in charge and she was directed to me. She explained to me how much she liked dog club, and she knew she hadn’t been coming long, but her friend would like to come along. Was that OK? Of course it was… she bustled up to the gate and came back with her mate. Her mate’s dog was immediately mobbed by all (as all new dogs are). It was rather daunting, but within five minutes her dog was in the thick of it. It was a shame that the biggest dog there (a newbie about the size of a large cart horse) was terrified of Bailey, but I’d rather he was scared of Bailey than the other way round.
All too soon Dog Club was over. I took a little diversion to the garden centre for pond plants and jubilee clips. I must admit I’d not been keen on taking the dogs to the garden centre; I had memories of Bailey winning the “not shitting in the garden centre” contest. But it all passed off well. I got all that I needed, and some cake as well.
We came home, and after a quick cuppa and a slice of that cake I cracked on in the garden. I cleaned out the pond filter. Water goes through at its fastest rate when it’s clean, so if the new bog filter could cope with that it could cope with anything. Or that was the plan. So I plumbed in the new bog filter, and as it filled I potted the new plants for it.
I then put the plants into the bog filter and that’s when I saw the major hiccup. The thing fills under pressure and empties by gravity. With that in mind I’d made the outlet wider than the inlet. But it was filling just the teensiest bit too fast.
We all went back to the garden centre to get a T-junction and a tap so’s I could divert some of the water flow directly into the existing smaller bog filter.
We came home again and I fiddled about diverting some of the water flow directly into the existing smaller bog filter. And I ripped open a blister on my thumb and stabbed my finger whilst doing it. I hadn’t diverted very much water, but enough to do the trick. There’s a teeny little drip from the new filter from where I put the drain in, but that isn’t entirely unexpected. I have a plan for how I might fix that… tomorrow. There was too much blood all over the place this afternoon.
Today I went to the garden centre twice, did a bit of plumbing and potted a few pond plants. Seconds to type; seven hours to do.
“er indoors TM came home from Craft-a-rama with cake. We scoffed those, I had a quick shower, and it wasn’t long before Chris, Sarah and Steve came round. We had a rather good evening playing on the Infinity Table. Hungry Hippos, Chicken Wrangler, Sorry, Simon, Ticket to Ride, Game of Life…
We had a rather good evening.

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