14 June 2024 (Friday) - A Bit Dull

I slept like a log. When we have three dogs on the bed there’s no space for anyone. Pogo is a very large lump, but he doesn’t seem to take up any space at night. How does that work?
I made toast and watched an episode of “Catastrophe” then quickly sparked up my lap-top to see what I’d missed overnight. I hadn’t missed much.
I got ready for work.
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were talking politics. There was some big debate on the telly last night in which loads of senior politicians tried to persuade the masses that their party were sugar and everyone else's was shit. I didn't watch it; I did watch the Prime Minister in a debate against the Leader of the Opposition on the telly on Monday. I'm not sure that these televised debates are actually any good. All they do is play to those who are good at entertaining the masses (Boris Johnson and Donald Trump immediately spring to mind). Just because someone can stand up and entertain doesn't make them a good leader. However the masses don't seem to understand that, do they?
Meanwhile the American President has promised ten years of aid to Ukraine for their ongoing war against the Russian invaders. The Russian premier isn’t keen on this development, and has offered terms under which he will end the war… terms which no one but him think are any good.
I got to work and cracked on. As the day wore on I had some sad news. A friend of a friend didn't turn up for work yesterday. After a while a couple of her friends went round to her house to find her unresponsive. She'd had a stroke. She was only thirty-four. My dad was in his mid eighties when he had one. Makes you think, doesn’t it?
I came home to find Pogo had gone back to Folkestone where he lives. “er indoors TM boiled up fish and chips and we watched more “Race Across the World”.
Days when I’m working are rather dull…

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