12 June 2024 (Wednesday) - An Afternoon Off

I woke from a nightmare involving leaking tents only to find it was half past four. But didn’t get back off to sleep after that.
I got up, made toast and watched an episode of “Catastrophe”. The miserable sour-faced headmistress character seemed vaguely familiar; it was something about her voice. It turned out I remembered her from being the foxy one in the Hale and Pace show thirty-five years ago, and from being Rowan Atkinson’s girlfriend in “The Thin Blue Line”.
I set off to work. As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the computing marvel “Raspberry Pi” which yesterday was launched on the stock exchange. It has made a fortune for those who invest in that sort of thing. But interestingly it was the business editor, not the news people who were talking about it. The thing hasn’t made loads of money because of its demonstrable track record; it has made loads of money because those in the financial world think it will. When I listen to the business and finance news I get so wound up. There’s no room for facts or information in there. They way to make money is to persuade those with money that the thing you are trying to sell is worth money. Get them to invest. The value of your shares then increases as a buying frenzy takes off, and then you sell your shares at vast profit before anyone realizes that it is all mass hysteria utterly unrelated to whether or not what is up for sale is actually any good or not.
And there was more talk of the upcoming election. It would seem there’s pretty much no public confidence in the UK’s political system at the moment. It was claimed that the public are still sulking that all isn’t heigh-ho pip and dandy like the pro-Brexit campaign promised, and this is compounded by all of Boris Johnson’s lies. I would have thought that things had moved on since then; we can’t keep harping back to what happened years ago.
I got to work for the early, did half a day’s work, and came home again. With “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” bridesmaiding at her mate’s wedding we were looking after “Darcie Waa Waa TM. We had perhaps one of the best sessions we’ve ever had with her; no tantrums, no carrying on. She bimbled about the place quite happily checking the cupboards for monsters and telling the dogs stories.
“er indoors TM has now taken “Darcie Waa Waa TM to collect “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TMfrom school and they are all off to the evening reception. I’m on dog duty; there’s four as Pogo is with us for the evening. The dogs are all fast asleep; having littlun round has worn them out. Mind you, I say “fast asleep; one will burp or fart in their sleep and the other three leap up and all hell is unleashed until I settle them again. This has happened a few times now and is getting a td tiresome.
In between settling dogs I spent the evening staring at the telly. I did consider doing the ironing, but I couldn’t be arsed.
And in closing today, it is three years since Sid died


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