23 June 2024 (Sunday) - Family Day

I slept reasonable well, but was awake before anyone else. I made the most of what I thought might be the day’s only peace and quiet, made toast and scoffed it and my tablets as I peered into the Internet. It turned out my cousin had been up four hours earlier than I’d been, loaded up her car, set up a boot fair stall and had a set-to with some old biddy trying to steal from her all before I woke.
The internet was relatively peaceful this morning apart from a quarrel on one of Facebook’s Radio Four pages (there are two – one was a breakaway group after a nasty argument!) about the correct pronunciation of “sandwich”.
I put a load of washing in to scrub, then cracked on in the garden. With Pogo with us this weekend there was an epic load of dung to clear up, and with that done I put the new garden ornaments (that I’d bought on Friday) into place. Using tape measures and spirit levels they took far longer to sort than maybe they should have done.
I then rolled out the thick hose and cleaned out the pond’s filter. I’m still not convinced about this extra bog filter I built a couple of weeks ago. I may well be disassembling it, recycling what I can and binning what I can’t. We shall see.
And then I ran out the normal hose and topped up the pond before hacking back still more overgrowth pouring over the fence from not-so-nice-next-door. In between jobs I sawed up some old strips of wood and painted them up with a view to repairing the broken fence at the front of the house.
Let’s just say it didn’t look very good; the entire fence needs replacing.
Darcie Waa Waa TM emerged from her pit, and her mother wasn’t far behind. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” then sorted out bacon and egg bagels which were rather good. I had flashbacks of the breakfasts we had when camping: really good brekkie only four hours too late…
We then loaded ourselves and the dogs and set off to Dymchurch for ice creams. As we drove we found the road was closed. We followed the diversion. Sadly whichever idiot worked it out had no knowledge of local roads and hadn’t used a map. At the end of the diversion we were heading at right angles to the road to Dymchurch.
As we eventually drove into Dymchurch the first thing we saw was the ice cream parlour. Closed down and for sale.
We drove round desperately trying to find a parking space. The world and his wife had gone to Dymchurch today. Eventually we found a space, and once “Darcie Waa Waa TM had had a go on the centipede ride at the fun fair we found a back-up ice cream shop. It was rather apparent that everyone else had too. The fridge door must have been open pretty much all day. What looked like rather good ice cream was actually pretty much melted, and most of the twenty quid’s worth of ice cream just dripped on the pavement.
With dogs banned from the beach we walked along the prom. It was a rather good walk; littlun took Bailey’s lead, and Bailey wasn’t *that* bad for her.
We got a tin of fizz each and a little ball for littlun on the way back to the car. Interestingly the shops in Dymchurch have signs up saying they prefer payment in cash. I couldn’t help but think of the similar places in Hastings where they flatly refuse to take cash; card payments only.
We came home, and littlun spent an inordinate amount of time with the fish. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” has long since trained the fish to suck fingers, and “Darcie Waa Waa TM was trying to pluck up the courage to have her fingers sucked.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we ate al-fresco. We scoffed it outside as well. It was only a shame that Pogo had to scream at every bird that came close. And in doing so he would wind up all the other dogs.
We’ve just had chocolate cake… I’m worn out.


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