7 June 2024 (Friday) - Hand Still Hurting

As is so often the way when I have alarm set I woke full of energy and raring to go at quarter past one, and then dozed on and off for the rest of the night.
Over brekkie I watched another episode of “Catastrophe” in which our heroes did the dirty deed without removing their undercrackers, then had a little look at the internet which this morning was on the dull side. There was a half-hearted attempt at an argument on one of the pond-related Facebook pages in which one load of people were bemoaning how that page was one big argument, and the other half were saying that some people can’t take constructive criticism. Both were probably right. It is sad that so many people don’t understand how the written word is interpreted in a very different way to the spoken word.
I set off to work via the furthest part of South Ashford where I munzed some evos and flat friends as one does. I even deployed a carrot onto a bus stop. I've mentioned before there's never a dull moment in the Munzee world.
As I headed up the motorway the pundits on the radio were talking about the televised squabble between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition that happened last Tuesday evening. The Prime Minister had claimed the Labour party's policies would cost everyone two thousand quid if they got elected.  He'd also claimed that he had figures from the Treasury to back him up. Now it seems that senior civil servants at the Treasury are having none of it, but still he maintains his figures are correct. I suppose he has to really, doesn't he? He can't really admit to having made them up, can he? But having said that black is white you'd think there would be some independent body who would investigate these claims, wouldn't you? It turns out there is, and they've declared that the PM had been rather economical with the truth.
I can't help but think that now we've got an official body checking what politicians say, we need someone to hoof them up the arse when they are demonstrably caught out in their own lies.
Mind you the same Prime Minister left the D-Day commemoration events in France yesterday earlier than he might so's he could go vote-grubbing whilst everyone else stayed on. "Everyone else" included the Leader of the Opposition. This little episode more than anything else may well be the deciding point for the upcoming election.
And the woman on whom the Netflix "Baby Reindeer" drama was based is suing Netflix for over a hundred million quid as she says the show falsely depicted her as a convicted criminal who spent time in prison for stalking. Personally I can't say I blame her. If I had a shot at over a hundred million quid I'd do the same.
I got to work. After a few minutes I thought I might get the once-over for my paw. My finger was still playing up after I'd poggered it yesterday so I wandered round to the A&E department where I showed it to the nice nurse. She gave it a prod, announced it was rather swollen, sent me for an X-ray, and told me to come back at eleven o'clock. I went for an X-ray and was back at work within twenty minutes.
At five to eleven I went back to the A&E department where the nice nurse had my X-rays up on the screen. There was some arthritis in my finger (you can see that by looking at it), but nothing was broken. I was told to rest it and take it easy, and I was back at work within twenty more minutes.
Compare that to the debacle I had with my local hospital yesterday when I was on to their complaints people three times and still haven't spoken to anyone, let alone been seen.
I suppose that's the difference between the number two hospital in the county and the one hundred and fifth...
With work worked I came home. “er indoors TM boiled up sausages and chips. As we scoffed it we watched the first episode of the third season of “Race across the World” in which the contestants were charging about Vancouver and Vancouver Island. It brought back some memories; I’ve been there.
Meanwhile “Darcie Waa Waa TM has taught Pogo to kiss her on command.


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