2 June 2024 (Sunday) - FTF, Folkestone

I slept like a log last night but woke with rather bad backache. I got up, put some washing in, had a shave… and went back to bed. I got up a couple of hours later and the back wasn’t quite so bad. I hung out a load of washing on a glorious morning, put another in, made toast and had my usual root around the Internet.
Back to the old routine, eh?
Yesterday I’d bitten the bullet and posted a picture of my pond plant to one of the pond-related Facebook pages. What was it? Lesser spearwort, meadow buttercup, brass buttons, creeping jenny… there were as many opinions as there were people to give them. For once everyone was offering opinions nicely. However this wasn’t the case for the “Upstairs Downstairs” page I moderate; someone had “called bullshit” on someone else’s comment. I deleted it, and set the one who’d called so that their posts need to be approved by an admin for a month. You have to worry about the mentality of someone who “calls bullshit” on Upstairs Downstairs though, don’t you?
I saw a rather lengthy article from someone who until recently was pleading poverty. Today he was singing the praises of his Tesla car; something which cost him many times what my car cost me. Other people are very strange with their money, aren’t they? Someone who defriended me a few years ago and lived in a half-million pound house similarly regularly claimed not to have a pot to piss in whilst her daughter went to private school (with a five-figure bill each year). And the one who recently crowd-funded a family member’s funeral is often all over Facebook with holidays and heavy drinking sessions.
On the positive side the Universal Church Triumphant of the Apathetic Agnostic has re-launched itself. I’m actually an ordained minister of that church, and it once granted me an honorary degree -  A Master of Ignorance. Its central tenet is there may or may not be a god, but we aren’t really bothered either way. “We don’t know and we don’t care” always struck me as a rather sensible religious standpoint.
With a second load of washing hung out and “er indoors TM and the dogs up and about we went for a little walk. On the Friday before we went on holiday a series of Adventure Lab geocaches and a bonus geocache went live in Viccie Park. We didn’t have time to go find them then, but today (nine days later!) no one had yet claimed the First to Find.
Surely someone had been out in the week but was playing silly beggars?
Some people really do delight in going to new geocaches, doing all the secret rituals, and not logging it on-line until someone else has been out chasing the First to Find and has found they are too late. Some people really do get a strange satisfaction in wasting other people’s time in this way. I’m told it’s called “keeping it open”.
We fully expected someone else to have been out during the week; after all, new geocaches round here are usually found within a couple of hours of going live. But we did all the Adventure Lab stuff, got the location of the final stage, and we found we really were First to Find. Nine days after publication. That’s unheard of.
We came home, I got the dry washing in, we loaded ourselves and the dogs into the car and set off to Folkestone. I got a job lot of Taco Bell and took it all round to Daddy’s Little Angel TM”. The nice lady in Taco Bell did a custom-made burrito for “Darcie Waa Waa TM; she’s not up for a volcano burrito (yet).
We had a good bit of scoff, we had the obligatory dog-snogging and Bimmy-Boo. For some inexplicable reason Bimmy-Boo was done sitting in a bucket. And then we went to the Leas for a little walk. We had hoped to catch the dog event that was on today, but we were too late. But we saw the stalls that were there for it. Littlun had a go on the trampolines, and on the hook-a-duck and won a bouncy ball. And after an ice-cream all round it was time to come home.
I put more washing in, watered the plants, and spent quite a while picking all the grass out of the gravelled area where the bird feeder used to be until I saw all the grass. I think I shall put some weed killer there, and bird feeders over the lawn.
There had been talk of a roast dinner this evening, but what with a bellyful of burrito we weren’t that hungry.
There’s talk of pizza… but so far, only talk…
The day’s fourth wash load is going through the poor machine.

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