20 June 2024 (Thursday) - Dog Walk, Gardening...

Yesterday I ended by tempting fate and saying I thought I’d chirped up a bit. I slept very well, got up after nine hours in my pit, and suddenly felt like death warmed up.
I made toast and peered into the Internet. There was a lot of nastiness on one of the local Facebook groups about supposedly badly parked cars. Someone claimed he’d been unable to get in or out of his road because of badly parked cars. He’d posted photos of the car and his attempt to get past. With a foot clearance on either side I couldn’t see what the issue was. But some people do need miles. I can remember trying to pass some old biddy in a country lane once; the old biddy flatly refused to drive her car any closer than two feet from the kerb.
And someone else was posting photos of a dead lizard he had found locally and was in a panic.
I got the dogs into the car. As we drove there was some utter bollox on the radio in which Melvyn Bragg and a panel of so-called experts was explaining how the world’s religions try to make sense of the concept of Karma. As the show went on it was quite plain that the idea of a world in which the good suffer and the evil prosper has never been popular, and for thousands of years all sorts of people have tried to explain how good and bad actions in life are rewarded and punished in a later life. No two of these people have ever been in agreement, and none seemed to grasp the very simple concept that shit happens.
We went to Kings Wood; it was very busy today. We met loads of groups of dog walkers. One group was entertaining. About half a mile from the car park were a couple of smallish people with two dogs.. Each dog was about the size of the two people put together. Both dogs were on their leads, and the small people were clearly being dragged all over the place by these dogs over which they obviously had no control whatsoever.
We saw them long before they saw us. Treacle ignored them entirely. Morgan and Bailey actually sat and watched them with an incredibly superior and patronizing air. As one of the idiots saw us he broke of the sentence of “why the f… won’t you do as you are told” which he was shouting at his dog and started shouting “lead, lead, lead” at me. I lifted the leads from around my neck, and with a smile called over that I’d got some. I then whistled at the dogs and we went off leaving the idiots to their fight.
We again saw the signs about site traffic that we’d seen when we were last a mile deep into the woods. This time we also saw some huge piles of chalk stones and a digger sinking some rather thick plastic trunking. What’s that all about?
As we came back to the car park we saw a young couple sitting in their tent peering out at the view. The dogs ran up to say hello. I called the dogs back, and at that point I noticed the nice lady’s attire (or lack of it). I smiled sweetly and hurried off. I’m not sure what the correct etiquette is in situations like that, but I’m of the opinion that smiling sweetly and hurrying off is more acceptable than smiling sweetly and saying “nice tits!
With walk walked we drove into Challock for a quick spot of geo-nonsense. The hint for the cache I was looking for was the number of a telegraph pole. I’m used to looking at the base of those – someone had cable-tied the thing in place at head height and stuck a pen in the cable tie too. But I’m not complaining – I wish more people would do that sort of thing. I wish more people would put caches out.
What with today being the solstice, it you logged a find today you got an e-souvenir. That was nice.
We came home, and I sat down in front of the telly for a spot of lunch. Then on seeing that the garden waste bin had been emptied and I had space for more garden rubbish I hacked back still more of the overgrowth from not-so-nice-net-door’s jungle. I hacked for a couple of hours, hacking so vigorously that I managed to pogger my long-handled pruner. Not a serious pogger though; nothing I couldn’t mend with a cable tie.
And then I solved a mystery. My sundial keeps losing time. I caught Morgan knocking it as he leant against it as he piddled up it.
“er indoors TM sorted out an Asda Indian take-away which was rather good. As we scoffed it we watched more “Race Across the Worldin which the contestants had got to Jakarta. I was rather interested to see Jakarta; good friends lived there for quite some time and had good things to say about the place…
I don’t think the TV show did it justice.

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