4 June 2024 (Tuesday) - Before the Night Shift

I slept well. Over brekkie I had my usual root around the Internet. It was still there and much the same as ever. People were asking the questions on Facebook pond-related pages and getting the same rude answers. Having been following these for some time it would seem that many people think that it is quite acceptable to chuck any and all chemicals into your pond *except* tap water. Apparently that burns the fish? Odd – I’ve been drinking the stuff for years.
I had a message from someone who’d done my geocaches in Kings Wood; openly admitting to having been cheating on the Wherigos. Others have openly admitted to cheating too… over the years there’s been logs on my geocaches from six of the country’s top twenty finders all of which I’ve caught out cheating in one way or another. Mind you I say “caught out”; they are quite open about it. I know they are only cheating themselves, but why do they do this?
I took the dogs up to Kings Wood where we had a very good wander round. The dogs were all good, stayed close and didn’t need to be called or told off. They really are little angels when no one else is watching.
Sadly when we came back to the car we had an episode. I opened the boot of the car; they all jumped in. This is what we always do. I then do a whistle and give them a treat… some passing idiot saw me get the treat bag out of my pocket and brought his dog over on the off-chance there was a treat going. Had we been out and walking there certainly would have been. But another dog coming into my dogs’ territory (the car’s boot) was a recipe for disaster.
Once it was all settled the passing idiot maintained that he had done nothing wrong…
We came home to another episode. I drove down the road straight into a parking space. The DHL lorry that had been following me far too close had also driven into the parking space behind me. As he watched me get out, the driver got quite angry that I’d somehow wasted his time. He reversed and flew off cursing.
Had he been a few yards further back he would have seen what was going on…
I popped to the corner shop for pastries, made a cuppa for us both to go with them, and sparked up the lap-top. I pootled about a bit, wrote up a little CPD, and thought about doing some work in the garden. But only thought about it; I couldn’t be arsed.
I took myself off to bed for the afternoon where I found myself fighting with the dogs for bed space, And when we finally all got sorted so the girls wanted to go back downstairs.
I didn’t really sleep that well; it was too hot. I gave up after a couple of hours and solved geo-puzzles for a bit.
Hopefully “er indoors TM will feed me in a bit, then I’m off to the night shift. Can’t say I’m keen on it. Today, like any day before a night shift, has been spent thinking that I’ve got to go to work later.
But there it is…  


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