20 October 2024 (Sunday) - Rainy Day

I slept for ten hours last night. I sleep so much better when I have no alarm set. I made toast and had a look at the Internet as I do every morning. It was there. Again no one really had seemed to have done very much. Some days it seems that either no one does anything with their lives, or if they do they don’t plaster it all over the Internet, or if they do my lap-top chooses not to tell me. Which is a shame for a very nosey person.
I munzed, got Wordle eventually, and then the dogs came downstairs. After a night in my pit I am desperate for a wazz. But the dogs are different. They get up and pootle about. They have to be chased into the garden and even then they fiddle about before eventually doing anything. I wish I had the same lack of urgency first thing in the morning – I’d stay in my pit longer.
I got dressed, put some washing in to scrub… and sulked. The forecast rain had started. Mind you I was very pleased that the rain didn’t come yesterday. We were very lucky with the weather for the CITO event and the geo-meet.
I pootled on-line, wrote up some CPD, and pondered my next geocaching Adventure Lab cache series. I’ve been given another five ad-labs. The idea is you find somewhere of local interest with five specific locations. At each location you set up a question to answer – the name on a sign, the distance on a milestone, something along those lines. You take GPS co-ordinates, and set it all up on-line, and it makes a little adventure for someone else to do. I’ve set up five of these already. One up the main street in Great Chart finding points of interest, one sight-seeing around Singleton Lake…
I’ve got another series of five, but I was rather at a loose end for where I might set them, and what I might have as a theme. Wherever it is needs Internet connection. I did have a plan for Kings Wood, but the mobile data up there is patchy at best.
… and then I had a stroke of genius. But I didn’t have time for it…
Despite the rain we took the dogs to the garden centre. We couldn’t spend all day stuck indoors; I’d go stir crazy. So we went to the pet section at Bybrook Barn garden centre to see if we could get Treacle a new lead. We lost hers yesterday whilst having a litter pick-up. Sadly we couldn’t find anything but we got a decent fruit cake.
We thought we might come home via Pets At Home to see if they had any decent leads. They didn’t, but we got some dog treats.
And we took a minor diversion on the way home to implement stage I of my stroke of genius.
One home we had a cuppa, and I carried out stages II and III my stroke of genius. Starting from up the road near the station you can walk down Beaver Road, along Denmark Road and into Torrington Road. A fifteen-minute walk passing the sites of five now-closed-and gone pubs; at each of which you answer a simple question.
That was stage II.
Having answered those simple questions at each stage you get given the location of a bonus geocache… that you’ve just walked past.
That was Stage III (Hiding it earlier was stage I)
Writing the cache page and ad-lab pages kept me quiet for a couple of hours. It’s now down to the geo-feds.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching tonight’s episode of “Lego Masters: Australia”. Both were rather good…
Hope this rain lets up soon…

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