1 October 2024 (Tuesday) - -Pulling A Sickie

I slept like a log for five whole hours, then went to the loo and spent the rest of the night coughing. Last night I’d been messaging with one of the bosses who’d suggested I pull a sickie today, and overnight another of the bosses messaged to say that the rules say that I have to be off sick for five days after testing positive for the rona. Which meant I couldn’t go into work today anyway. I can go in as planned on Friday… if I’m feeling well enough. Will I be? I thought I was chirping up yesterday but clearly I wasn’t.
I’m assuming “er indoors TM has the same disease. She went down with it last Wednesday and seems to be on the mend so maybe I’ll be in to work on Friday. We shall see.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet as I do. For the last two weeks we were away with a group of decent people. Living in close proximity for pretty much the entire time that we weren’t asleep, there wasn’t a single word of argument or disagreement. People can get along if they try. However look at the Internet this morning. People were bitterly arguing about the time signal pips which go off every hour on Radio Four. Can you think of anything more trivial about which to bicker?
And then my lap-top suggested that I might like to use a proper official branded power cable from the supplier. What was that all about? It’s been quite happy with the power cable it came with up till now.
I then phoned the bank. Having had a look at my accounts the other day I saw I had been charged interest on my credit card. Not much. A piddling amount really. But having paid off the account in full every month there shouldn’t have been any interest at all.
Apparently I was charged interest because I’d bought all those dollars in August, and you have to pay interest when you get cash on your credit card. And they charge interest for a few months afterwards even if you pay off the balance in full. Or so I was told.
I explained to the chap in a slow and patient way that having sent me hundred dollar bills (which were no use to me) I had to waste half a day finding anywhere that could change them. And then the bank had the audacity to bill me for that. I’ve whinged about my bank before. They are very good at saying sorry… but having asked friends I’ve formed the distinct impression that the banks are all the same.
Being very aware of the dogs looking hopefully at me and finding myself going stir crazy sitting on the sofa I thought I might relieve the boredom by taking the dogs for a walk. We only went round the block; a very short walk. I then fixed the power to the shed (a fuse had blown), fed the dogs and did a little washing up. That was all. And I was dripping sweat, breathless and all-in.
I went back to the sofa.
I wrote up a little CPD (after all I’m not on holiday any more), and then saw I had another dubious friend request on Facebook. On her Facebook page Raven tells the world she is a “professional dominate mistress”.
Facebook does give me a lot – unlimited photo storage, instant access to what friends, colleagues and acquaintances are up to all over the world… but it isn’t perfect. It will immediately veto any post containing words it doesn’t like (try posting the word t-w-a-t and see what happens!), but you can ask for a review of an advert of a prostitute’s unmoral services only to be told that advertising porn doesn’t breach their community standards.
As I fought with a geo-puzzle so the doorbell rang. My Lego advent calendar had arrived. Every year since 2010 I’ve out a little advent adventure on Facebook. Every year I get the Lego advent calendar and make a point of not opening it until December, and then only opening it one window at a time. It isn’t me that makes up the adventures I write; it really is the strange voices in my head, and (quite frankly) no one is more amazed than me with what I come up with. I really should open the advent calendar now and work out the story in advance, but I’m not going to.
Still feeling grim I got the ironing board out and attacked the ironing whilst watching episodes of “Four in a Bed”. This afternoon’s episodes featured an opinionated idiot who would not shut up about healthy living and the quality of food (claiming to be a trained chef). However the breakfasts he offered consisted of a shop-bought yogurt and a banana, and he wasn’t at all happy to be caught chain smoking, and on questioning he admitted that he’d had no formal training as a chef but was entirely self-taught. He went on to take serious offence that he was being judged against others who were far better at what they did than he was at what he did. He felt he should be judged for what he did in isolation and consequently bearing in mind that he does exactly what he claims to do, he felt he should have scored full marks on everything
Despite the rain “er indoors TM went off to this evening’s geo-meet. I would have liked to have gone along but bearing in mind I was off sick and a walk round the block had worm me out earlier I thought better of it.
I slobbed in front of the telly under dogs until she came home. She came home with fish and chips.
They ain’t cheap these days…

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