7 September 2024 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Geo Meet, Family Get-Together

I slept rather well for a change. That was nice.
I made brekkie and peered into the internet. Not a lot was going on really. I did chuckle as I saw I’d been told off – yesterday someone asked for recommendations for local aquatic shops. I recommended some local ones and gave my honest experiences of the aquatic shop closest to work. Over the last seven years I’ve called in many times and found them rude, unhelpful and rather expensive. Over the last couple of years I’ve only been in when I’ve forgotten how bad the shop was only to be reminded why I rarely go in there. Some young girl thought it wrong of me to say so.  
What did she want of me? To lie and say the place was fine, or to keep quiet and let others experience the rudeness for themselves?
The last time I went in there I stood and waited for over ten minutes whist the staff all stood around listening to one of their number talking about the amount of blood spilled in a fist fight that someone or other had been involved in the previous day.
I Munzed and Wordled, and then being Saturday we set off to Dog Club. As we drove I got Steve’s “Guess the Lyrics” contest on the radio right away. “I can dim the lights and sing you songs full of sad things”. No? Click here for the video.
We got to Dog Club where Morgan disgraced himself. He’s fine with other dogs until the other dog shows fear. Then he just gets aggressive and has to have a time out
We came home and had a cuppa and a bun. Whilst we’d been at dog club a new puzzle geocache had gone live. I spent a little while struggling with the puzzle. Perhaps too long. By the time I’d solved it time was running out. Bearing in mind it was a short diversion from our afternoon drive we left it for later. And drove out to Wye where the monthly geo-meet was happening.
As geo-meets go it wasn’t the most well attended, but ten of us sat in the pub garden and put the world to rights. And it was something of a milestone for me; geo-find 15151.
From Wye we drove to Hastings. We took a little diversion to find that geocache the puzzle of which I’d solved earlier. Sadly having not gone straight there but having gone to the meet-up we missed being First to Find. But to be honest I’d rather meet up with friends.
We carried on to Hastings  where family gathered for a get-together for a couple of birthdays. We had a rather good get-together which got progressively more vague as the afternoon wore on, and I slept most (all) of the way home.
Today has been rather busy… I took a few photos.
And (where has the time gone?) today marks two years since my Dad died…

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