6 September 2024 (Friday) - Swizzed

I slept like a log and woke feeling raring to go… at half past midnight. And then I just dozed on and off. This happens annoyingly often.
Eventually I gave up, got up and watched an episode of “Brassic” in which him who was “Grumio” turned up in a camper van which he’d converted into a mobile sex dungeon despite having no road tax, MOT or driving licence.
I then did my usual peer into the Internet. There wasn’t a lot happening so I had a quick Munz, then struggled with Wordle. I’ve been playing that for the last few weeks; I’m not very good at it.
I set off to work and immediately spent a few seconds retrieving the recycling bin and the food waste bin from where the bin men had abandoned them. Having heard them bellowing as I'd been watching the telly I rather thought I'd have to do that job before someone whose bin they'd lost came and nicked ours.
As I drove out of Ashford so I noticed a motorbike in my rear view mirror. It had its headlight on full beam, flew past me rather dangerously at the traffic lights by Matalan and sped round the roundabout where it caused no end of chaos by conking out right in everyone's way.
I remembered my old motorbike; a Suzuki GSX 250 which went for scrap about forty years ago. It too used to conk out without warning whenever it rained.
There was an interview on the radio with Dwayne Fields (no - I'd never heard of him either) who has become the Chief Scout taking over from Bear Grylls. From what the chap said he seems to be ideal for the position. Mind you I did sit up and take notice when he said that half a million youngsters were members. I thought it was far more than that - and membership has grown in the last year.
I was in the cubs as a child. I lasted one week as a scout, finding it rather scary. I was dragooned to assist our local group when “My Boy TM was eight, and I stayed as a leader for thirteen years. It was fun at the time, but it did insidiously rather take over my life.
I got to work where I was swizzed. Yesterday I was asked if I could do some extra hours to help out. Bearing in mind the thirty-third Rule of Acquisition "it never hurts to suck up to the boss" I agreed to work the morning .After all a colleague whose birthday it was said she would be bringing in cakes today. However I didn't consider the two hundred and eighty fifth Rule of Acquisition "no good deed goes unpunished"; my colleague has gone down with COVID, phoned in sick and there were no cakes. And to add insult to injury I’d been asked to come in because she was not coming in.
I worked for the morning, then came home at mid-day. Once home I loaded the dogs int the car and we drove up to Kings Wood. As I’d driven down the motorway the weather had gone from bright to torrential rain and back again a few times. Going to the woods was taking a chance.
As we parked so my phone beeped with the news that the Met Office had cancelled the extreme weather warning for heavy rain and we had a good walk. Having had a report that another of my geocaches had gone missing I went to check. It was where it was supposed to be, but since I hid it nearly two years ago the ferns have grown rather thickly around it.
We had a shorter-than-usual walk today. Treacle seemed better when we left home and wasn’t limping. But after half a mile she was walking rather awkwardly so we cut our walk short. I didn’t want her over-exerting herself. Despite walking awkwardly she was still running round like a thing possessed when she saw a shadow that offended her.
We came home and I spent a couple of hours fast asleep on the sofa
“er indoors TM boiled up fish and chips which we scoffed watching more of The Traitors USin which those who weren’t in the clique watched those in the clique whilst making no secret of their jealousy. Whilst totally not realizing they weren’t actually missing anything…  

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