14 September 2024 (Saturday) - FTF, Dog Club, Games Night

As I peered into Facebook as I scoffed toast this morning I saw that a chap I know had posted something. His son was starting work as a trainee paramedic. I thought about commenting but it wouldn’t have gone down well.
Today marks forty-three years since I started working in blood testing. And as I start the longest holiday from work that I’ve had for years I’m wondering… Apart from one hiccup thirteen years ago it’s not been a bad old game. But it certainly wasn’t what it might have been or what I had hoped. When I packed up my previous job of general dogsbody at the Harbour Restaurant (having worked up from being a corporal dogsbody) the boss had one thing to say about going to work for the NHS. He said that I would be comfortable, and that would be the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone. Looking back he was right.
Perhaps I’ll feel differently after two weeks off. Perhaps having gone part time I’m finding work is getting in the way. But after all these years I’m rather bored with it.
I sparked up Wordle and in a novel break with tradition I got it in three goes. I always start with “table” and more often than not that is a rather silly first move in that it rarely gives me anything. But today was different.
Just as I was rather bored and waiting to get out to Dog Club so my phone beeped. A new geocache. Did we have time to chase it? Well we were nearly ready to go out. A little diversion to our planned drive, a handy parking space, a quick rummage in a hedge and the thing was soon in my hand. First to Find too… Result.
We then drove on to Dog Club listening to Steve on the radio. And I got a “First to Get It Right” on the “Guess the Lyrics” competition as well. “I was walking down the street concentrating on trucking right”. No? Click here for the answer.
We got to Dog Club where we had a little experiment. The first time Morgan played up we put his muzzle on him. It stayed on for a couple of minutes and he *really* didn’t like it. For the rest of the session he was rather better behaved than he might have been. He still ran about and played, but there was none of the forceful dominance with which he so often pisses on his chips.
We came home. Well, me and the dogs did. “er indoors TM set off to craft club. Being left “home alone” we did what we always do when left home alone. The dogs went to sleep and I cracked on with the ironing.
Ironing didn’t take long, and “er indoors TM returned from craft club. We thought we’d spend a few seconds taking the garden table down. It took half an hour to work out how to collapse the thing, and there was quite a bit of blood from where it bit my finger. I then spent another half an hour rearranging the rubbish behind the shed to put the table in there. I don’t want to leave it constantly up as it has left bare patches on the lawn.
I then spent much of the rest of the afternoon fast asleep underneath a pile of dogs.
Steve, Sarah and Chris came round for the evening and we had a rather good session on the Infinity Table. I came second at “Game of Life”, last at “Sorry” and I amazed myself by winning “Ticket to Ride”.
My finger is rather sore where a lump got chopped out when we were fighting with the table earlier…

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