15 September 2024 (Sunday) - Road Trip

I slept well. Over brekkie I had my usual rummage round the Internet. On the Facebook page for my old school people were asking what happened to an old friend of mine. The chap is now a Baptist minister in the West Country; I learned that to some at school he was known as “Captain Caveman”? I don’t remember that…
There was quite the spat kicking off on an American Facebook friend’s page. She was bemoaning the amount oof shootings in America and some friend of hers was getting incredibly aggressive about the right to bear arms and the need to defend himself and his family. Admittedly it is over twenty years since I went to America but is the place really so lawless that people need at least one gun each?
And some half-wit on one of the groups I follow was getting rather aggressive about the revelation that the UK imports electricity from France. Apparently that was all supposed to have stopped with Brexit (!)
Sometimes reading what is posted on social media is more informative about the world we live in than the morning news.
We got ourselves organized, loaded up the car and went on a little road trip. Munzing like a thing possessed as “er indoors TM drove we went up to Enfield where “Daddies’ Little Angel TM and “Darcie WaaWaa TM are currently living. We’ve not seen them for a while, and when we met the reaction of my favourite lady spoke volumes. “Nanny!!!” she shouted. Then “BABY!!!”. Then “TREACLE-CHUG!!”. Then “MORGAN!!”. A few minutes passed as she fussed the dogs, then as an afterthought “oh, granddad”.
We went for a little walk to the playpark, then onto the round-and-round playpark where me and littlun played chase for a while before having our picnic.
We then walked on to monkey playpark. I’d not been to Enfield before. I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t what I saw. The place was lovely. Well-kept estates, beautiful grassed areas, excellent playparks. It was a shame that a bunch of travellers had set up a caravan encampment on one of the greens and were abandoning all their rubbish.
It was so good to see two of my favourite ladies, but time was pushing on. We came home via Epping Forest where there was (and still is) a virtual geocache. We stopped and selfie-ed before getting on the motorway and heading to Sittingbourne.
We had a very good afternoon with Karl, Tracey, Jess and Charlotte. We put the world to rights, we had a very good dinner, I had three pints and a couple of G&Ts.
But again time was pushing on. Treacle seemed settled which was good. She’s staying with Karl, Tracey, Jess and Charlotte whilst we go on holiday. We said our goodbyes, and it wasn’t long before we were in the traffic jam on the M20 which was closed (for no apparent reason) for much of the way from Maidstone to Ashford… not that I noticed as I slept most of the way.
Morgan and Bailey are worn out from today. And so am I…

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