21 November 2023 (Tuesday) - Before the Night Shift

There was the most amazingly ridiculous squabble this morning on Facebook in which someone or other was claiming that the TV series “To The Manor Born” was far superior to any TV shows made today because of the viewing figures it attracted which were many times more than any TV show gets these days. The fact that today there are over a thousand TV channels to choose from whereas back then there were only two (no one watched the high-brow drivel on BBC Two) never occurred to them.
And there was some very bitter squabbles about last week’s Doctor Who special on “Children in Need” in which Davros is no longer in a wheelchair as that is offensive to those in wheelchairs.
They let these people vote, you know.
I got the dogs onto their leads and we set off on a little mission. As we drove there was an interview on the radio with heaven only knows who. Having missed the start of the program I was completely in the dark about who was talking, and consequently very soon list interest. I listen to Radio Four so as to keep up to date with current affairs and to find out about all sorts of things about which I would be completely ignorant, but sometimes they do broadcast crap.
When I could have been broadening my horizons I found myself singing along to Ivor Biggun.
We got to Kings Wood and walked the same walk we did the last time we were there. This will probably be one of our standard walks from here on in; three miles which takes us an hour. The only problem is that it isn’t long enough for Morgan; at the end he was rather reluctant to come back to the lead.
As we walked we only met one group of dogs, and the meeting passed off without event. We saw two other groups, and when the puppies ran off toward them they both came back immediately when called. I saw that as a result.
I also got quite a bit of video footage of the dogs running about as a start of getting material together for my entry for next year’s Geocaching International Film Festival. It was a shame that when I got home I realised I needed to hold my phone in “landscape” orientation to get useable footage. All that I’d done was in “portrait”. Ho hum… Still, I learned something from this, and as I always tell the trainees at work, a day when you learn nothing is a day wasted (I’ve wasted a lot of days over the years!)
We came home via the vets (for flea treatments), and then had baths. I made a cuppa for me and “er indoors TM, and got some (correct orientation) footage of the dogs sleeping, and worked on the screenplay a little more. I think I have the plot of our film for next year’s Geocaching International Film Festival figured out. I know (vaguely) the scenes I need to film in the woods and the piccies I need to create for the film. I just need music. If any of my loyal readers could clang a piano to come up with any of Brahms’ Lullaby, Yakkety Sax, The Dick Barton theme and general background music it would be gratefully received. The people at geo-HQ are rather hot on copyright and I need stuff which I have permission to use.
I then wrote up some CPD because that’s what I do before a night shift, had a shower, and went to bed and despite the hot water bottle and two small dogs, I shivered. The bed is far warmer at night than it is in the afternoon.
And so I shall hope for some dinner, then I’m off to the night shift. The last few have been rather hard work…

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