16 January 2021 (Saturday) - So Bored...

Finding myself wide awake at silly o’clock I got up and had a very early brekkie whilst watching an episode of “The Office” before going back to bed. I slept for a few more hours until Sid started a woofing fit. I got to him before he could “do” anything. When he saw the rain he was reluctant to go out to do anything, but go out he did. I went with him and saw that the forecast snow had fallen. There had been enough to leave a white covering on the lawn.

Peering into the Internet I sent out some clan invites (it’s a Munzee thing), and rolled my eyes at some of the postings on the Kent-based fishing pages. Several people were posting selfies from where they were fishing this morning. There is something of a macho-element in fishing circles; there is supposedly some merit in sitting in a puddle of slushy mud whilst the rain hammers down around you. I can’t see it myself, but many other “proper” fishermen have often lambasted me for not going fishing in the most extreme of conditions.


With freezing conditions and torrential rain outside our plans for a longer dog walk were a non-starter. Fortunately the dogs seemed happy to carry on sleeping, so I spent the morning carrying on with my Atlas of Haematology. Rather dull, but it passed the morning.

I ironed a couple of shirts whilst watching a camping special “Four In A Bed” in which four camping and caravan sites were up against each other. As always the show made for good viewing, but they never compare like with like. In today’s show one titled couple were operating a glamping site in the garden of their castle whilst another couple were running a budget campsite on a wasteland in order to raise enough money for a full set of teeth. 

Seeing a break in the rain we quickly took the dogs round the block, then once home had a cuppa. I was rather amazed when Fudge stole my biccie. I would expect it from the other dogs, but not from Fudge. I did more work on my Atlas, then got a message from "My Boy TM". He has started watching “Bridgerton” on Lacey’s recommendation. My granddaughter has seen the lot… I was shocked. But then when I was her age I can remember me and a mate trying to snaffle his gran’s movie projector so we could watch “Gymslip Rampage”; a rather dubious film that we’d got from an iffy shop in Hastings Old Town. Thinking back I can remember we got caught trying to snaffle the movie projector. We never did see Gymslip Rampage”. I wonder what happened to it?

"er indoors TM" boiled up bangers and mash. They were rather good. As we scoffed them we watched the James Bond film “Spectre”. We’d tried watching it some time ago but the sound quality on the DVD (or whatever it was) had been rather dodgy and we’d had to give up about half-way through. Tonight we watched it (having recorded it over Christmas) and… I think last time we’d seen the best bit. Like all the James Bond films it started well, but lacking very much of a plot, it just dragged on and on and ended up being perhaps an hour too long. Such a disappointment – I’d been looking forward to it for some time… 

Today was *so* dull… Usually on dull days I’ve had a full working day in the middle to give me something to do, but terrible weather and lockdowns put the kibosh on doing anything today. It is as well that I’m a “key worker” (I *hate* that phrase) – I would go stir crazy if I was cooped up at home much longer.

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