Up with the lark, shirts ironed and to work. Fortunately the car of yesterday’s epically porky “person” was nowhere to be seen. In retrospect I should have checked the thing to see if she actually had a permit to park where she had.
And then home. I was glad I’d packed the car last night – this evening there was nowhere close to the house where I could park, and the rain was torrential when I got home. So I packed my clothes for the weekend and waited for the rain to stop. I checked the weather forecast. I do that all the time, and I’m happy if sunshine is forecast, and ignore it if rain is forecast. I really shouldn’t bother with them.
I then slept in front of You-Tube videos waiting for the rain to stop. During my kip both Martin and Lisa dropped off tackle for me to take camping tomorrow. I can’t help but wish I’d had the stuff yesterday, but there it is. And then I was woken by a text from the most recent fruit of my loin – she’d sent me a picture of The Things, which is today’s piccie. And as the rain slackened off I got the last few bits into my car, before loading up ‘er indoors TM car with all her stuff shortly after dark.
And then an early night ready for the off in the morning. To Teston for the kite festival – our third camping event of the year. If any of my loyal readers are free on Saturday, don’t forget we’re doing pooh-sticks at Teston lock at 5pm.
And whilst we’re away, “My Boy TM ” has instructions to get on with a major tidying up session. I wonder if he’ll do it this time?
See you all on Monday….