Up at the crack of dawn to iron shirts. Well, I was up anyway, so I might as well do something constructive. I’ve been watching my DVD of “Knowing Me Knowing You with Alan Partridge” recently, and today I watched the last episode. Is this show really fifteen years old?
To Tesco which was just as dull as it always is, and then to work which was also dull. I’ve been working at the same place since September 1984, and I’m just bored with it now.
And then home again. The plan was to go out to the firework display at Biddenden tonight, but it started raining. That was enough to put me off, so we stayed home. I submitted my electric meter reading on line, and then signed up to check my bills on line too. Regular readers of this drivel might remember that in early June I grumbled about the gas board making changes to the amount of money they were taking each month. After a bit of a squabble five months ago I agreed to a slight increase in my monthly payments. I’m now nearly three hundred quid in credit with them. I had this naïve idea that this money might pay for my new specs and finance next week’s session at
And I could do with that money – the microwave’s just gone west…
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