29 June 2023 (Thursday) - Looking to Retire...

I woke feeling rather grim. Lethargic and headache and generally what I call "too much sun"; not that I was actually out in the sun much yesterday. Adding that to the constant aching I seem to have these days and my totally poggered left knee I considered going back to bed and pulling a sickie whilst sulking but thought better of doing so.
I had brekkie, made a sarnie, watched some telly and set off to work. If I went to work I would have something to take my mind off of feeling grim. If I'd stayed at home, “er indoors TM would soon have got sick of my whinging.
As I drove up the motorway the pundits on the radio were saying that sickness absence in NHS staff is at an all-time high.
Perhaps I should have phoned in sick and gone with the flow?
There was also even more talk about that idiot Boris Johnson. Having had a committee formally decide that he was telling lies all along, all his old mates have now been accused of deliberately trying to subvert justice by attempting to thwart that committee's investigations. Some of them have even been named and shamed.
Democracy, eh? All of these people have been voted into office, you know.
And fourteen years after the Russians did it, the Americans have set up a simulator in which four people will act out a mission to Mars. I can remember back in the day (22 October 2009) when the Russians were looking for volunteers for their Mars 500 mission I actually got permission from work to take a year or so off if my application had been successful. Not that I applied. Not speaking Russian would have counted against me.
Meanwhile our old friend science has found a fifty million year old fossilised insect with an intact knacker. Personally I would have expected better things from science, but what do I know?
I got to work, had a cheese scone, and cracked on with that which I couldn't avoid. And (sure enough) I perked up as the day went on; even if I did still ache all the time and the knee wasn't what it once was.
I managed a chat with the boss; she's happy for my plans for semi-retirement. So (hopefully) next February I go part-time but stay on the same money... Here's hoping.
And we achieved our Munzee clan goal today as well.
Mind you I spent an inordinate amount of time on the works chodbin today... as did “er indoors TM. I blame that fish and chips we got last night. Twenty quid to be farting like a fruitbat? (to coin a phrase).
I suppose better the works one than my own?
Some days in my life are rather good; other on the dull side… But if nothing else the countdown to retirement has started…

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