20 December 2020 (Sunday) - Pluckley

Finding myself wide awake at three o’clock I got up and watched the episodes of Four In A Bed that I had recorded yesterday evening. Have you ever watched it? It’s quite fun. The owners of four bed-and-breakfasts spend a night in each other’s establishments and find fault with them. It can all get rather bitchy. But what makes me laugh is when the cameras record mould and filth in the bedrooms, and the owners of that bedroom flatly deny it.

After three episodes I finally felt tired and went back to bed.

At seven o’clock I had a text from Royal Mail telling me that they had been unable to deliver the parcel that they delivered on Friday. I nodded off again, and at eight o’clock I had a text from Sky saying that the new broadband would be going live some time on Tuesday.

Oh, how I laughed.


I made some toast and half of it got wedged in the toaster, so there was a minor delay whilst I took the toaster into the garden to salvage what I could. As I scoffed cold toast I peered into the Internet. I was expecting a lot more whinging about yesterday’s announcement that we were all in Tier 4; there was surprisingly little. I suppose all the whinging has been done already, and there is little left to say.


Having been put into Tier 4 our plans for today had gone west. But the dogs needed an outing so geo-maintenance was the order of the day. We drove down to Rolvenden and waded through a swamp to replace a small cache, and then to pull Fudge and Pogo out of a rabbit hole.

From there we drove out to Pluckley where we walked half a mile across a field and back to replace another cache. All three dogs got filthy and we lost Fudge for five minutes. I took a few photos as we walked, and as we drove home it became apparent where Fudge had been. He’d found fox poo to roll in; the stench was unmistakable.


With the dogs scrubbed "er indoors TM" went off shopping. Since the Tier 4 rules say that only one member of each household needs to go shopping I stayed in and watched the telly for a bit as the dogs slept.


I told the world about today’s instalment of the Advent Calendar, and "er indoors TM" came home and boiled up a rather good bit of scran which we devoured whilst watching one of the many “Bake-Off” compilations and washed it down with a bottle of Liebfraumilch (old skool!)

We’re currently tuned in to the Ener-guys Christmas Zoom meet… it’s not the same as insulting people face-to-face…

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