5 May 2024 (Sunday) - Having a Tidy-Up

With “er indoors TM,Darcie Waa Waa TM and the dogs all up in the attic room I had a rather good night’s sleep. I didn’t hear a peep out of them all night.
I woke feeling surprisingly chipper bearing in mind the ale, port and benedictine that had gone down my neck yesterday. I made toast in a toaster which was working perfectly for a change; presumably it doesn’t like the prospect of having me fixing it. I had a look at the internet. It was rather dull at half past seven on a Sunday morning. Mind you one article caught my eye. Martin Freeman (the actor) has given up being a vegetarian and feels much better for having done so. I was reminded of a little episode many years ago when I was a cub scout leader. We were doing some badge or other in which healthy eating was brought up, and some vegetarian who had been wheeled on was utterly unable to answer an eight year old little girl who asked if we were supposed to be vegetarian, why did God make animals out of meat.
Apropos of nothing I checked the weather forecast in Samarkand, had a quick Munzee session and made an early start in the garden before it all kicked off. Perhaps a tad early, but I probably wouldn’t have been a nuisance as not-so-nice-next-door goes to church every Sunday morning.
Ironically many not-so-nice people do.
My plan was to empty out the garden storage boxes by the kitchen window so’s we could move them about. I opened the lid of the first, and several pints of rainwater gushed out of the lid soaking what was inside the box. Fortunately the other box seemed OK. But with one poggerd box I needed to first dry out was had been drenched, and then look to scaring up more storage space elsewhere and getting rid of rubbish.
The shed was the obvious place to store stuff, so I emptied out the big stuff and had a bit of a shift about. I started making a pile of stuff to go to the tip. Rather than agonizing over whether or not I should keep something I’ve not used in years I took the line that if it had been chewed by mice or was covered in mould, then it was going.
There’s no denying that I could have got on a lot faster without dogs and granddaughter running underfoot, but there it is.
Just when I was at the point of maximum chaos so I heard voices. Brother-in-law had arrived. Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed that the gutters at the back of the house had been overflowing. Brother-in-law brought ladders over today, and mother-in-law too.
We soon got the ladders up, and up I went. The gutter had been overflowing at two places. One where a plant had taken root, and another where an old pouch of tobacco had got wedged. I hoiked both out, and had a little scrape-out of the gutters as best I could. And we got the poggered garden storage box apart too. That took some doing.
We then sat at the new garden bench and had a cuppa. It was good to catch up. Lilttlun spent the time alternately wreaking havoc and snogging the dogs.
All too soon it was time for everyone to go. Some back to Hastings, others to Folkestone. I tidied up the mess I’d made earlier. The shed was tidy… until I filled it with stuff to go to the tip. Sadly the tip is closed tomorrow.
“er indoors TM returned and we took the dogs round the block for a walk. Bailey was getting rather quarrelsome (she gets fractious if she doesn’t go out) so we walked up the road to the new geocache that went live a week or so ago. We soon found what we were looking for, and came home via one or two Munzees.
When I went to do the on-line geo-stuff I got told I had been given an electronic souvenir for logging a geocache this weekend. Apparently this weekend is the twenty-fourth anniversary of GPS technology being made available to the general public. I didn’t know that. I didn’t know that there were e-souvenirs to be had either. Back in the day the on-line geocaching talk would have been full of that news. Back in the day geocaching wasn’t dying on its arse.
Over a rather good bit of dinner we watched the last episode of the first season of “Race Across The World”. A rather good show; just a shame who won. I took an instant dislike to them.
I ache – I must stop doing so much physical lugging stuff about and climbing ladders. Not that I intend to climb ladders for a while.

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