14 October 2021 (Thursday) - A Pressie for the Pups

I slept like a log and woke feeling full of beans and raring to go… at quarter past midnight. I then saw every hour of the rest of the night and couldn’t get comfortable because of my sore arms. The arm that had the flu jab was a tad tender, but the one where the COVID vaccine went in really hurt.

I made toast and watched another episode of “Squid Game” (which was rather good). I hear that there’s a lot of concern about children watching this show. It’s not really a children’s thing at all. It is certainly rather gory, but I suspect any child watching it would soon get rather bored with it; if you don’t pay attention you soon lose track of what is going on.

I had a little look at Facebook; someone had asked for help in setting up a GPS, and before long several people were using the opportunity to be rather nasty. They could have helped… they chose not to. Such a shame.


I spent a few minutes getting my car out of its parking space  this morning. There are a few people who live locally who delight in taking ages to-ing and fro-ing their cars back and forth to get then into the tightest of parking spaces which is all very well all the time it is them who has to get the car out again. If only the highways people would mark the parking bays properly, then I wouldn't have to fiddle about like this in the morning.


I drove off to work through a rather misty morning listening to the radio as I drove. The pundits on the radio were talking about how the World Wildlife Fund are looking for volunteers to help with a walrus survey. They aren't sure how many walruses there are on the planet. They've got quite a few photos of herds of walruses taken from satellites and they want people to count the total amount of walri (?) If any of my loyal readers find themselves at a loose end, I suspect counting walruses is preferable to watching paint dry. I might just have a go myself.

Mind you I am reminded of the British Mammal Society's survey of three years ago when I signed up to tell the British Mammal Society of any mammals that I encountered on my travels. I would take a photo of a mammal and the app would upload it to their servers. Using the photo and the GPS they would know what I'd seen and where I'd seen it. But I told them to get stuffed when they rudely they rejected my offers since they said there weren't any deer where I saw them. Even though there were and I had on 18 June 2018.

There was then an interview with a GP who was up in arms about the government's latest plans for the delivery of general practice. This was followed by an interview with the Health Secretary Sajid Javid who (like most politicians) spouted a whole load of buzz-words and catch-phrases in a thinly veiled ruse to cover his ignorance on the subject. The whole point of a GP is that they are extremely highly trained people. You can't just announce that we are going to recruit loads of them and then ask the job centre to send a few thousand off of the dole queue, which was how he seemed to think he would deal with the shortage.

Is it too much to ask that the NHS have a leader who knows something about health care.

But then again I suppose we get the politicians we are given. If decent people don't stand for public office then we *will* get the self-serving and the idiots.


Pausing only briefly to get some decent ale from the shop in Sissinghurst (and to cap my new Skyland there) I was soon at work. One of my colleagues had a pressie for me; her friend has an incredibly fussy dog, and rather than throwing out the food her dog won't eat, she periodically brings it in for my two gannets.

With work done I came home to see what my two gannets thought of it. They weren’t impressed on posing for the photo, but certainly scoffed up some of their pressie. Pogo would have had the lot… but he is on a diet – whether he likes it or not.

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