9 June 2023 (Friday) - Stuff

I wasn't aching quite so much when I woke up this morning, but my left knee was still giving me gyp. It does that.
I watched another episode of "Shameless" which had far too many chests being brandished than was good for anyone's blood pressure, then set off for work. As I drove I saw what looked just like “er indoors TM's old bike. We'd arranged to have it collected for disposal by the council as it was poggered beyond redemption, but when we put it out a passing normal person asked if he could have it. We said he was welcome to it, but we pointed out where and how the thing was knacked. Two days ago I said " He might fix it. He might get hours of entertainment trying to fix it. He might just chuck it in the river". It looks like he just dropped it on his way home. I would have picked the thing up but there was nowhere to stop the car safely, and even if there had been I wouldn't have got it into my car.
As I drove up to the traffic lights by Matalan I had to swerve to avoid being run off the road by a rather lurid green car. Perhaps the driver didn't see me? Perhaps he had an urgent need to get somewhere in a hurry? Perhaps I'm doing him a disservice but he certainly looked as though he was in a race with a blue Honda Civic.
I drove up the motorway listening to the pundits on the radio. There is an old proverb (from a hundred and fifty years ago) about power corrupting people. It would seem to be true. That idiot Donald Trump has been indicted and is going to court next week. Despite being caught red-handed with thousands of documents marked "classified" and "top secret" in his house, he is adamant that he has done no wrong.
And that other idiot Boris Johnson has a couple of weeks to respond to the findings of an MP-led investigation into whether he misled parliament over Partygate (hint - he did). He too is proclaiming his innocence.
And only the other day I mentioned the Ukrainian president  Volodymyr Zelenskyy demanding more and more foreign aid as though it is his right.
The trouble with a democracy is that it elects leaders who quickly forget they are leading a democracy, and not commanding a dictatorship.
I got to work, and during a lull in proceedings I finally got round to doing something I'd been meaning to do for a little while. Regular readers of this drivel may recall the problems I had trying to get to see a doctor when I was under the weather a few weeks ago.
Bearing in mind that I'd found that the surgery was crap (with a capital turd) I applied to be taken on at another GP surgery. They said "yes" within twenty minutes of me asking.
With work done I came home via the builder’s yard in Cobbs Wood. I got a bag of shingle for less than half the price the garden centre wants for the stuff. I bunged in in place, the I went with “er indoors TM and the dogs to Ham Street woods as “er indoors TM had geo-maintenance to do.
We had a good walk; Treacle was running about like a thing possessed, which is quite unlike her.
As we drove home I noticed that “er indoors TM’s old bike was no longer laying outside the dentist. I wonder where it’s gone? But as I said a couple of days ago “that bike is now somebody else’s problem”.

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