11 June 2023 (Sunday) - Bionic Burner

I had a very restless night. I blame “er indoors TM's snoring, the dogs, the heat.... in fact pretty much everything and anything except the excessive amount of ale I poured down my neck yesterday in order to maintain hydration. That's my story and I'm sticking to it (!)
I got up far too early, recorded yesterday's history, then made toast and watched another episode of "Shameless" which (now featuring a talking baby) is beginning to get a tad silly.
I got myself ready for work and set off. Some chap over the road was shouting a conversation at his mate in the street. Had the mate not been revving his motorbike (like a thing possessed) they could have spoken their conversation rather than shouted it. I did think that both the revving and the shouting were a tad keen for seven o'clock on a Sunday morning, but if I was up and about then no one else had any reason to be in bed, did they (!)
As I drove to work my piss boiled as I listened to the radio. The Church of England has apparently found out that some of its money has come from the slave trade, and has set up a fund of a hundred million quid to provide a "better and fairer future for all, particularly for communities affected by historic slavery".
Having got a sniff of the readies, some bunch of bishops have come charging to the UK from Jamaica and are trying to shove their snouts firmly into the trough. One of these bishops was being interviewed; he kept on and on about how his grievance wasn't about the money, but at no stage did he intimate that he wouldn't take any. In a novel break with tradition the pundits on the radio wheeled on someone who actually talked sense. This chap claimed that many of the slaves taken to Jamaica had in the first place been enslaved and sold by various other African tribesmen; none of whose descendants are offering any apologies. He also pointed out that whist slavery was vile, it all happened a couple of hundred years ago, and how can anyone send an apology back in time. And he told the bishop being interviewed that bearing in mind the average Jamaican is far better off than the average African, any money being dished out should go to those who needed it most.
The bishop seemed to be unable to answer this with any meaningful words, but he seemed to think that it was only fair that if money was being dished out, then he should get some.
I'm not defending the slave trade at all. It was vile, and none of us can imagine what the slaves went through. Ripped from their homes, dragged hundreds of miles to the coast where they were sold and shipped half way round the world. But slavery in the UK was abolished a hundred and ninety years ago. How can anyone offer any sort of meaningful apology for something that happened so long ago?
I got to work and had the cooked breakfast from the works canteen. It wasn't so much "second brekkie" as medicine; I was still feeling rather fragile...
I did my bit and with work worked I came home; I was only working the morning today. As I’d parked the car this morning (at eight o’clock) my car had told me it was twenty-one degrees. As I drove down the motorway at one o’clock my car was registering thirty-one degrees.
I came home to a rather good smell (not that I can smell much after three nasal re-bores); “er indoors TM had ben baking. We had fresh bread for lunch. Very nice. And then despite the heat I got on with various garden chores. I mucked out the pond filter, and whilst I was at it I cleaned out the pond’s fountain/aerator.
Flushed with success I then fixed a water feature (which had a blocked nozzle), and then disassembled some lumps of wood I’d screwed together last year (it seemed a good idea at the time).
And then I had a message. My Amazon delivery had arrived. I ran to the doorstep, opened my parcel and put the new toy together.
Every morning when I turn on the telly it is so early that the telly-shopping infomercials are on. If they ain’t flogging the octospring memory foam mattress they are extolling the virtues of the Bionic Burner. The Bionic Burner is basically an over-powered hair drier which burns weeds to death.
Regular readers of this drivel may recall that every few weeks I go into the front garden and spend half an hour on my hands and knees pulling weeds from between the paving slabs. It is hard work and does my back in. But with a Bionic Burner I could blat the weeds from a standing position. Or so the advert said.
I must admit that the weeds up my path were far more impressive than the ones on the advert, but I gave them a serious Bionic Burn anyway. The instructions said to blast the weed with hot air for three seconds, and that more stubborn ones might need up to ten seconds. I gave each weed enough hot air to turn it black. The instruction said that once you’ve blatted the weeds to give them a couple of days, then sweep them all away. I shall see what happens on Tuesday.
Mind you the instructions also said that improper use of the device will result in hazards. I wonder how one might improperly use a Bionic Burner?

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