4 June 2023 (Sunday) - Recycling

I couldn’t get off to sleep last night; listening out for Darcie Waa Waa TM, but she slept well. I was woken at five o’clock by Bailey who wanted to go out. I needed to get up as well, and when we’d both done that for which we’d got up we went back to bed. With “er indoors TM, Darcie Waa Waa TM, Morgan and Treacle all in the attic room, Bailey and I had some space.
I heard littlun jabbering away shortly after seven o’clock so I got up, shaved, dressed and did all those things that you can’t do whilst carrying a littlun around before “er indoors TM and Darcie Waa Waa TM came downstairs.
Darcie Waa Waa TM had banana and plum for brekkie and washed it down with half of her milk, throwing the rest across the kitchen. She does that. When she’s had enough of something she just flings it in any random direction. She’s her mother’s daughter (!).
I then carried littlun around whilst “er indoors TM did her morning’ fiddling around. At one point I stood outside the loo with littlun and we both sang the “Nanny’s in the toilet” song; something I intend to teach to small grandchildren everywhere.
We settled the dogs and drove littlun back to Folkstone where we collected the rest of Darcie Waa Waa TM’s branch of the tribe and walked round to McDonalds for McBrekkie. McDonalds now do a super-duper brekkie McMuffin which is basically all of the different McMuffins rolled into one. And you get a choice of red or brown sauce. I had brown; big Jake had red. It was rather good. “Darcie Waa Waa TM had a bit of everyone’s and flung it all in random directions.
We said goodbye to the Folkstonians, and headed back to Ashford. The motorway was open on the way home (it hadn’t been on the way there). We popped into B&Q for a few odds and sods for today’s project. Yesterday I said of Bybrook Barn: ”I think it fair to say that I was the *only* person there with a trolley who was aware that there were other people shopping. Not one of the other trolley pilots were paying any attention to where they were going, or what (or who) they were crashing into”. The same was true of B&Q today.
But we got the drill bit and plants I needed, and came home and got on with today’s fun. A recycling project.
Last August Bank Holiday I built a cascade for the pond. The thing didn’t work, and a few weeks ago I removed it and disassembled it.
Yesterday I mentioned that I’d sawed the wood from it into shape in preparation for today. Today I took all the sawed bits and screwed them together into a box shape (with screws that had been in the way in the shed for years), lined it with weed-proof membrane (that had also been kicking round the shed for years), painted it (with wood preservative that has been in the yard for years) and filled it with soil and compost (that has been in the way in the garden for years). A minute to type: four hours to do. But it all went to plan; no hiccups or cock-ups or what I sometimes describe as “rustic charm”. I took a few photos of the recycling of what was old tat into something which is (as the first fruit of my loin would say) “not too shabby at all”.
And with the job done I sat back with an air of quiet satisfaction. I’ve never had any lessons in woodwork, but I really enjoy it. I wonder if the local adult education people do classes?
“er indoors TM (quite literally) boiled up a very good bit of dinner (gammon is best boiled!) which we washed down with a bottle of Liebfraumilch. Amongst the stuff we watched on the telly was an episode of “Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly” which featured a middle-aged woman who had had some very strange plastic surgery and had a face which looked like it had been ironed. Why do people spend a small fortune on looking completely unnatural?
I really ache…

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