10 June 2023 (Saturday) - Dog Club and Cornhole

It was a shame that my phone decided to tell me its plans for today at ten to midnight. No matter how I set the alarms and turn them on and off, it just does whatever it fancies.
Shortly after that “er indoors TM and the wolf pack came to bed, and Bailey set about licking my head. “er indoors TM then went back downstairs for long enough for me to get back to sleep, then they all came back again and Bailey set about licking my head again.
Eventually the novelty wore off. I wonder why she has to lick my head; she only ever does it last thing at night.
Over brekkie I peered into the Internet. It was still there. There were some interesting arguments on the Facebook pages about garden ponds in which the opinionated offered no end of sage advice, and when challenged to provide evidence to back up what they were saying, they announced that because they were saying something, it was automatically correct. There’s a lot of arrogance in the garden pond world.
And there was a lot of unhappiness on one of the history of Hastings pages on which the chap who runs the page seems to devote his time between posting old photos of Hastings and taking offence for absolutely no reason that anyone can fathom.
Being Saturday we drove round to the Repton estate for Dog Club. It was a tad warm , but the dogs had a great time. Running, barking, playing… the dogs love it. And with dog owners who mostly seem to understand dogs, they can play to their heart’s content. There was one new dog along with a rather nervous daddy, but nervous daddy soon got the idea when he realized that no one else was pickin their dog up every ten seconds.
From Dog Club we drove east listening to Steve on the radio. We got a mention, and then another when I got the mystery year wrong (1976, not 1978). Sadly the radio reception gave out to Chartham.
Pausing only briefly for a Church Micro in Staple we were soon at the Black Pig for the monthly geo-meet. We had a rather good afternoon in the sun. Beer, sandwiches, Norfolk crunch (!), a game of “Cornhole”…
It was as well that I took a few photos one minute I was drinking beer in the sunshine, the next I was waking up in front of the telly at ten o’clock

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