I woke to the sound of a dog jumping off the bed in the
mall hours followed by the sound of heaving. I leapt up and chivvied Morgan
outside. I didn’t get back to sleep after that.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. There was quite
a bit of talk about “Doctor Who” this
morning. Apparently filming on the next season finished last week, and there’s rumours
of the BBC cancelling the show. Even though the Disney corporation have paid a
small fortune to keep it going. Apparently there’s “fan backlash” and “ratings
concern”. The fan backlash being that the stories are of incredibly
variable standard, and the ratings concern being that people don’t watch it any
more because the standard is so variable.
Once the dogs had scoffed their brekkie I took them up the
woods for the last phase of fetching in the old caches and putting out the new.
As we drove the pundits on the radio were interviewing some
ex-aide of President Trump. This chap said that President Trump really does
have a way of randomly deciding what is going on in the world regardless of
reality, and when he’s got something dangerously wrong has to be persuaded that
he is wrong. And he apparently takes quite a bit of persuading.
That explains a lot.
There was also talk about the Ukrainian premier who was
ranting his ingratitude again. Bearing in mind that if it wasn’t for the rest
of the world his country would have been overrun years ago, you’d think he’d be
a bit more thankful for the amount of aid and help he’s getting.
We got to the woods. Today was a rather shorter walk of
only five and a half miles and we only put out thirty-one caches today. We met
a few other dogwalkers, and the meetings all passed off reasonably well… All
except one. Some woman and her dog were bumbling along behind us toward the end
of our walk, so we stopped at one of the points where I wanted to hide a cache
so she could come past. I’m not keen on having the normal people seeing me
hiding a film pot under a rock; it is easier not going into endless
explanations. She wasn’t keen to come past though, and stood ten yards away
staring at me. I pointed out that we had stopped so as she could come past. On
the third time of telling her she slowly pootled past. We caught up with her
fifty yards later when she asked which car park we were heading to. I said the
upper one. She asked where the lower one was, and wasn’t at all impressed to
hear she’d walked past it half a mile previously. And then she kicked off a
rant in which it was all my fault that she’d missed the lower car park as she
had been following me and I’d deliberately headed toward the wrong car park.
That fact that my car was parked in what she felt was the wrong car park was
apparently utterly irrelevant.
We came home. I did the geo-admin and sent it all off to
the geo-feds. I had a cuppa then took Treacle to the vets for her annual
once-over. The vet says she is overweight (we know that) and has
suggested biopsies for her various lumps. Personally I’m of the opinion that they
are just fatty lumps but it wouldn’t hurt to have them looked at. The vet has
also suggested bringing her in to have her teeth scaled and polished. We’ll see
if concerted brushing can’t so the trick first; I’m not keen on having her
knocked out for no real reason.
And then I drove down to Folkestone. “Daddies’ Little
Angel TM” had an appointment so I was in charge of littlun
for an hour or so. We went to the garden centre and looked at the fish. It was
marginally cheaper than the zoo and kept her amused.
“er indoors TM” was off out with
her mates this evening. I boiled myself up a pizza and watched a film on
Netflix. “Vicious
Little Letters”. It was rather good.
The dogs are snoring and I’m feeling worn out. It’s been a
busy day today…
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