12 July 2024 (Friday) - Back to Work

The dogs didn’t settle last night, and consequently neither did I. “er indoors TM had something of a fight with them shortly after three o’clock, and I then lay awake for the rest of the night. I gave up trying to sleep and sparked up Netflix. I watched the first episode of “Boomers” which passed half an hour, then had my usual root around the Internet. Apart from a very dubious friend request on Facebook, this morning it was rather dull. I sent out a couple of birthday wishes then got ready for work.
As I walked to the car it was hossing down. So different to yesterday. I drove off, then spent a couple of minutes waiting for the car in front to get past the bin lorry. In a novel break with tradition the bin lorry was stopped by the pavement with plenty of space for cars to pass. Sadly despite two feet clearance on either side, the car in front was reluctant to go forward. Eventually we got going, and I took a little trip round the town Munzing Points of Interest as I do.
As I drove up what was once a motorway the pundits on the radio were talking about President Biden's rather iffy performance yesterday. With no end of influential people showing great concerns about the President's ability, in a speech yesterday the chap confused the names of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, and then went on to confuse the names of the vice-president and Donald Trump. At over eighty years old does he seriously want to be President for another five years even if he is fit enough?
The rain had eased off as I got to work. Going back to work wasn't the original plan for today. Originally the surgeon told me he would sign me off for three weeks which meant going back to work next Thursday. However the paperwork he gave my GP said to take two weeks off.  I spoke to the GP who signed me off for two weeks and two days. A rather odd amount?
So I went back to work today. I found myself thinking about going back to work after prolonged time off when I used to work in Canterbury, when I would feel physically sick at the prospect of turning up there. I had been rather looking forward to going in today. Being happy in your workplace is such a bonus.
Mind you there had been some changes. There was a new set of shelves behind one of the analysers, and a new bogroll holder in the gents. Perhaps rather trivial in the great scheme of things, but I don't do change very well.
Work was work. No cake, but we had cookies. I also had an interesting conversation with a colleague. Just lately we've been watching episode of "Race Across the World" in the evenings. If I were to be a contestant I've been very vocal about how I would save money on accommodation costs by taking night buses.  “er indoors TM  is probably getting sick of hearing me banging on about it. My colleague is off to Glasgow tomorrow. He's not taking the night train or the night bus but going during the day.
The night bus is just like any old bus in which you sit bolt upright all night long. There used to be a proper night bus with bunks but even at twenty quid from London to Glasgow not enough people were using it to make it financially viable. And the seats on the night train don't recline enough so that you can sleep. You can spend three hundred quid on a cabin on the night train if you want, but at that price you might as well fly. Travelling at night would seem to be (quite literal) arse-ache at best.
And one of the hospital's therapy dogs came in to visit us at lunch time. I'm not sure what I was expecting from a therapy dog, but compared to my wolf-pack it seemed rather quiet and subdued.
Work was rather hard work – I’m glad I’m not back till next Thursday.

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