24 February 2023 (Friday) - Dentist, Walk, Writing a Wherigo

Some mornings my lap-top is a wonder of technology. Other mornings not so. This morning I turned it on and there was a twenty minute delay whilst the browser window farted about doing absolutely nothing at all. In the task manager it was obvious that it was doing all sorts of things, but doing whatever those things were had rendered it utterly useless for the tasks it is supposed to do.
Eventually it got going, and I saw I had two friend requests on Facebook. The first from a woman in a leather leotard with a haircut that looked like her mum had done it, the other from someone who looked like she was playing dressing up at being a vampire.
I also saw that the closest beach to me has been declared unsafe for swimming for the rest of the year due to the high levels of bacteria from raw sewage that is floating round the place.
I had an email from the geo-feds. The Wherigo geocache I hid yesterday had got the thumbs-down. Could I please replace the word “Garmin” in the written description with “hand held GPS devices”. Bearing in mind that I’d copied and pasted from a geocache description that had been accepted a year ago I took a deep breath and did that which was asked of me, and the thing went live ten minutes later.
I downloaded bank account statements and had my monthly tot up of how much I’ve squandered. The fish and chips we had at the seaside on 22 January didn’t appear on my credit card bill, nor did whatever it was that I got from Tesco on 23 January. That’s twenty quid in my back pocket. Result.
And so to the dentist. All was mostly OK… it took him maybe thirty seconds to determine that. I’ve got a chipped tooth which he suggested I got fixed. I’m booked in to get it done in three weeks. Mind you I had an appointment with the dental hygienist yesterday that got cancelled. I reckon two out of three appointments I make with them get cancelled  so I doubt they will keep this one.
I took the dogs up to Kings Wood where we explored somewhere different. The pups seemed to enjoy being out, but unlike yesterday they didn’t come home smothered in mud. Which was another result.
Shortly after getting home I had an email telling me that the Wherigo geocache I’d hidden yesterday (that went live this morning) had been found. Flushed with enthusiasm I spent the afternoon writing another Wherigo. It is nearly ready for testing…
“er indoors TM boiled up sausages and chips for dinner which we scoffed whilst watching this week’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard” which was rather good.
My nose really hurts; it feels like I’ve been punched in it. What’s that all about?

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