30 December 2017 (Saturday) - Trigonometry

Apart from toilet trips and having to lift dogs on to the bed (several times) I managed nearly nine hours asleep with only one coughing fit. I saw that as something of a result.

I had a look-see on-line. Not much had changed overnight. Mind you my eyes did roll at one point. A month or so ago there was some confusion as to who would be organising the New Year’s Day Kent geocaching walk. As nothing seemed to be sorted I spent a day organising stuff for it only to be told that it was all in hand. The person who had it all in hand has since organised everything *except* the New Year’s Day Kent geocaching walk. Yesterday someone else went and organised it for her.
When I read about this on Facebook I was also rather amazed to see posts from someone who’d come along on the London trip earlier in the month. Completely oblivious to everything about hunting Tupperware it didn’t stop her trying to call the shots on our London mission, and now she wants to be taken for a walk round Kent…

There was a minor “Red Alert” from the dogs when the postman delivered the letters. Just bank statements, so I opened them and had a look at the monthly accounts. There is no denying that I rather intended being a lot better off financially at this stage of my life than I actually am.
With a little spare time on my hands I then had another look at the geo-puzzle that has me stumped in London. I can vaguely remember trigonometry… but no matter what I did to my sines and cosines, I wasn’t getting it big enough.

I finally got dressed just before mid-day. We took the dogs for a walk most of which I spent wracked with fits of coughing. As we walked, "My Boy TM" phoned to say a local garden centre was selling a lot of rocks cheaply. I would have liked to have gone to have a look-see, but all I *really* wanted to do was go home.
Once home we had coffee and stollen for lunch. I like stollen.. it’s just like cake. I then sparked up my lap-top, switched my brain to overload, untangled my hypotenuse from my cosine and finally solved the puzzle that has been tormenting me for months. My plans for a geocaching trip to London are beginning to take shape now.

"er indoors TM" went shopping; I did some ironing, then watched episodes of “Still Game”. I say “watched”; dozed through might be more accurate.
"er indoors TM" came home and made some rather good mushroom soup for tea. We scoffed it whilst watching “World’s Strongest Man”; a very under-rated Christmas show.

As the dogs slept on me I then watched the Christmas episode of “Victoria”; something of a disappointment. It went on for two hours and nothing really happened.
Bit like today really. Today was rather lazy. Mind you with this cough, a lazy day was probably a good idea…

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