27 July 2024 (Saturday) - Before the Late Shift

I had a rather vivid dream last night in which I had gone to the barber’s for a haircut and he’d cut my fringe rather short. This was a rather serious matter for me, and I was really upset about it…
What was that all about. I’ve not had a fringe for years.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet as I do most mornings. It was still there. Not a lot was happening on Facebook, which was probably a good thing.
I had an email; Amazon had sent me a refund for those waterfall thingies which I bought in good faith only to find they were no use for what I had in mind. That will pay for a couple of sleepers.
And I saw that our Munzee clan had reached its monthly target.
I got Wordle on the fourth attempt, then “er indoors TM and the dogs descended. We did our usual wander round the garden as dogs do in the mornings. There were reports of a dead fish, but all the ones I could see looked to be quite contentedly still alive.
Being Saturday we drove round to Repton where we had Dog Club. Several new dogs (and their people) were along, and a great time was had by all.
Having totally failed on Steve’s “Guess the Lyrics” competition on the radio on the way there, I was one year out on the Mystery Year competition on the way home.
Once home I popped to the corner shop for pastries, and scoffed them whilst deploying Munzees at the Mega-Geo-Event. That should be good for a few points. And I discovered there’s a second Mega-Geo-Event near Reading which is taking place today. No one told me about that one. Ho hum…
I set off to work. I hadn't got as far as the turn-off to Dog Club (about a mile) when the tyre pressure warning alarm went off on my car. The new rear tyre that was fitted yesterday was under pressure. I pulled up where I could and pumped it up a bit. And then as I drove up the motorway for all that the cruise control was working there was no icon on the dashboard to tell me the car was in cruise control mode... like the nice man in the garage said there should be and that he would ensure was working. Oh well. The car has got an MOT in a few months' time. They can sort the cruise control icon then. It's not as though this is the first time they've not looked at it.
In a novel break with tradition there were actually some lorries queued up in the "Operation Brock" bit of the motorway. Not many; certainly no more than could have been parked up at the Sevington inland border control place. But some.
I only saw one car driving down the HGV bit this morning, but he was towing a caravan... if that is any excuse.
As I drove I was wondering if Radio Ashford has got a new transmitter - the signal got as far as Harrietsham this morning.
Needing supplies I went to the Aylesford branch of Sainsburys. This place never fails to entertain. The woman on the till was nearing the end of her shift and was loudly giving her supervisor a countdown of how many minutes there were before she was getting up and leaving "all this lot" waiting as she rudely waved dismissively at the queue at her till. Being a member of "all this lot" I was rather glad to have got through with three minutes remaining.
I thought about wasting her time with inane questions about the Nectar points on the voucher she rudely thrust at me, but thought better of doing so. Instead I passed the voucher (for five per cent off of my shopping the next time I spend over a hundred quid) to the chap behind me in the queue and left the woman on the till shrieking that the vouchers weren't transferable.
I went to work and did my bit whilst sulking and staring out of the window. On Thursday I'd not got much done as it had been pouring hard. Yesterday there was lots I could have done but I wore myself out on an epic route march in the morning. I could have got stuff done today if I'd not been working. I always say I don't mind working at the weekends... but I do mind if the weather is good.
Rather a waste of a Saturday really…

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