11 July 2024 (Thursday) - Penshurst

As is always the way, with an alarm set I didn’t sleep well and saw every hour of the night. I eventually gave up trying to sleep, got up, made toast and had my usual look at the Internet. It was still there. Apparently the England football team won some match or other last night. A rather important match judging by all the fuss. Even the Prime Minister was getting excited about it.
I wish I could see what everyone else sees in football; it really is a matter of the utmost indifference to me. 
Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs fast asleep I got myself organized and set off. I had a little Munzee mission round Ashford before popping in to Sainsbury’s to get a sandwich for the day, then I headed off to Penshurst. The sat-nav said I might like to go via the motorway. I did as I was told (it is always a good move in life) and soon found that “Operation Brock” had been re-activated.
In theory “Operation Brock” is a brilliant idea in which miles of motorway is freed up to use as a lorry park because of issues at the Port of Dover. Sadly in practice it is a rather stupid way of turning a motorway into a rather slow dual carriageway. I drove at a snail’s pace up the motorway whilst not a single lorry was using the miles of created lorry park.
As I drove I listened to the pundits on the radio talking about how my water bill is set to go up by nearly half over the next year. There was some expert being interviewed who made the valid point that since privatization the water companies have competed with the banks as a place in which people might like to invest money to make money. Consequently the water companies have been playing silly financial games and not concentrating on the business of providing water to the country. The observation was made that, if operated correctly, the infrastructure of the country doesn’t generate money but costs money.
It’s hardly rocket science, is it?
I got to Penshurst with half an hour to spare, and quickly zoomed round the nearby geocaching Adventure Lab series before heading back to the car. After a few minutes Gordon arrived with Norton, and Ralph was soon with us. We then walked round the recently published series of geocaches. Relatively easy finds all along well marked paths it was only a shame that we made such good time that we were home before the three pubs we passed opened.
I took a few photos as we walked today. Back in the day I used to go for a mid-week geo-walk quite often. What with all the excitement of the last few weeks it was rather good to get out with friends today.
Having taken me to Penshurst up the motorway, my sat nav brought me home cross country where it seemed I’d trailed dried mud all through the house before I’d left this morning. I ran round with the hoover, then fell asleep on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon.
“er indoors TM is off out on a little mission. There’s talk of her coming home via the kebab shop…

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