25 July 2024 (Thursday) - Pouring Hard

“er indoors TM got up and left me asleep this morning. After half an hour Treacle came back upstairs and squeaked until I got up. She didn’t need me to do anything for her; she’d just decided I’d been in my pit for quite long enough.
As I drove home yesterday the weather forecaster was crystal clear that the weather in the South East would be dry overnight and dry today. It was quite clear that we’d had heavy rain when I let the dogs out, and the forecast had changed to drizzle all day.
I made toast and looked at the Internet. The plan for “er indoors TM’s birthday next week had been to join in with one of the activities for next week’s Mega-Geo event. Sadly it turns out that the tickets all sold out ages ago.
I don’t want to detract from the hard work that has gone into the thing, but having been looking forward to joining in with some of the events planned for next week’s Mega-Geo event, it isn’t turning out like I thought it might. Previous Mega-events I’ve been to have been based at one place and all the activities go on from there. This one seems to be spread over much of Kent and Sussex, and involve a lot of driving for those taking part. I’ve seen quite a few complaints from people who had planned to go to the thing by train and stay for the week, and are now faced with either hiring for a car or having a rather boring week waiting about whilst everyone else goes out for the day.
When “er indoors TM set off to work it was actually raining. By the time I’d got Wordle on the fourth attempt the rain had slackened off to drizzle, and with Met Check and the BBC giving totally contradictory weather forecasts I thought I’d just take pot luck.
I set a load of washing and the dishwasher going, and we went up to the woods and did one of our usual walks. As we walked my watch did a silly. What it usually records as being a shade under four miles was only three and a half miles today. But we got round in the dry. Expecting rain I’d taken a coat and carried it the entire way. Had I not taken the coat it would have poured hard.
We came home. As I emptied the washing machine and dishwasher so the heavens opened. I had planned to mow the lawn, but instead ran round with the Hoover despite Bailey trying to fight it, scoffed last night’s leftover kebab then set about the ironing whist watching a film on Netflix. Captain Underpants is always entertaining.
I then watched the last episode of “Boomers”. An odd series; like so many other series I found myself watching the last episodes because having watched so many it would be churlish to pack up half way through.
With the rain still hossing down I went through the monthly accounts. As always they could be a whole lot worse (is it wrong for me to want to have far too much money?) but they are certainly a lot better than they have been in the past.
With the back garden still awash with rain there was nothing I could do outside. I settled on the sofa with dogs and watched episodes of “Four in a Bed”. I’ve not watched the show for a while, but as ever proprietors of various B&B establishments crucified each other for things that they did wrong themselves. Today’s shows featured some chap who wouldn’t shut up about his having won the “Loo of the Year” awards for several years despite his glamping site’s loos having skid marks.
“er indoors TM boiled up sausages and chips for tea which we scoffed whilst watching “The Traitors US” in which twenty American so-called celebrities think that shrieking a lot makes them appear intelligent and astute.
Hopefully this rain will have stopped by the morning…

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