28 December 2023 (Thursday) - Missing Mum

I woke in dire need of the loo at three o'clock to face a dilemma. Should I lie in bed bursting for a tiddle but with some bed space, or should I go for a tiddle and give up all the bed space I'd currently got? I went for the tiddle, and came back and had a pitched battle to get just enough space on which to lie whilst two small dogs fidgetted trying to make themselves comfortable in a rather huge space that they would not give up, and for which I would have been incredibly grateful.
I didn't really get back to sleep after that.
I got up perhaps earlier than I might have done, made toast, and watched another episode of "Harry Enfield and Chums". It was entertaining enough for six o'clock in the morning.
I then had a look at Facebook and took a deep breath. So many people were posting those "not knowing what day of the week it was between Christmas and New Year" memes. I knew very well what day of the week it was... the second day back at work after Christmas.
As I've said before if I had my time again I'd not work in a hospital.
I set off to work through a very dark, wet and windy morning. Mind you, with tornados in Manchester and floods and storms in Scotland I think I got off lightly.
Again the radio's morning news program had a guest editor today. Ellie Goulding (I had to look her up) was pushing the Green agenda this morning. She started off talking about how travelling musicians are making the effort to be environmentally friendly, as an example of this she claimed that nowadays bands use the stages that are already at various venues. This was presented as being rather revolutionary; apparently in the past when on tour, bands would take their own stage with them. I thought this was laughably ridiculous, but thirty seconds on Google showed how wrong I was. Bands (U2 for example) really did drag their own stage round the country with them when they were touring.
There was then an interview with someone or other that Ms Goulding said was "an inspiration". I found her rather patronising. I'm not sure who this woman was. She was (and presumably still is) something big in the environmentalist lobby and she was banging on about how good it is that musicians and other celebrities are pushing the Green agenda because (so she implied) non-musicians and non-celebrities don't have the sense God gave a half-wit, and need to be told what to think, and need to be told what is good for them(!)
Work was work but being on an early shift was something of a result. I came home through the heavy rain to find “er indoors TM having a bit of a tidy-up. I suspect her having a tidy-up means I will be soon having a tip run.
She then set off shopping; I took the opportunity to load both dishwasher and washing machine and to settle on the sofa underneath a pile of dogs and finish that e-book I started yesterday. Usually an e-book takes me a couple of weeks to finish, not a couple of days.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of steak for dinner which we scoffed whilst watching “Taskmaster: New Zealandwhich was rather amusing. I’m going to have an early night now… I have a theory…
I wake up before three o’clock most mornings regardless of when I go to bed. So if I go to bed earlier I might get more kip. I could then get up and watch telly then.
And in closing, today would have been my mum’s eighty-eighth birthday. It’s nearly three years since she died. I can’t claim I was particularly close to her, but she was my mum… You don’t realise that you should make the most of the time you have until it’s too late.

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