15 December 2023 (Friday) - Choccies

Yesterday with no alarm set I slept rather well. Last night with an alarm set I had a rather poor night, waking seemingly every twenty minutes or so. I gave up trying to sleep, got up at five o’clock and made toast.
I found myself enthralled with an infomercial for some gadget which makes a smoothie out of pretty much whatever you choose to put into it. There was some (so-called) celebrity advertising it. This woman had been on “Strictly Come Dancing” or “I’m A Celebrity” or one of the myriad of reality TV shows I don’t follow and was famous for having dyed her hair, and was claiming that a major selling point of this machine was that it was ideal for people who like to dye their hair.
That’s a point against it for me.
I watched another episode of “White Gold”, then got ready for work. I took great care to keep very quiet and keep all the lights off as I got ready, and as I was about to walk out of the door so “er indoors TM and the dogs all marched downstairs.
As I drove west-wards to Pembury I listened to the radio for over an hour. There was consternation in the European Union as Hungary have veto-ed the EU’s plans to give the Ukraine a fifty billion Euro bung. Apparently the EU are going to give Ukraine the bung anyway…
And there was talk of arrests in Germany where Hamas supporters were trying to do in some of the Jewish community for no other reason than that they are “the other side”.
Being on the lead-up to Christmas I wanted to take some choccies in to work. I’d taken some in to Maidstone last Friday, and so today some for Pembury. I got most of my shopping from Tesco, but they had sold out of tubs of chocolates.
As I tried to pay for my sandwich at the self-service till so some interfering old harridan (in Tesco uniform) bustled over, snatched every item in turn from my hands and ran them all through the checkout for me. And then took offence when I suggested we went and used a proper till.
I then went to Asda where I couldn’t see any tubs of choccies. I asked two separate members of staff if they had any. Both claimed to have never heard of “Quality Street”, “Celebrations” or “tubs of chocolate”. Eventually I found a chap who showed me where they were (hidden at the back of the shop). I explained about how neither of his colleagues had been able to help. The chap laughed and said that was typical of the sort of people that Asda employed, but was rather evasive as to whether the first two were either genuinely thick or were being deliberately awkward.
Work was work; I had a “low platelets” sort of day (as one does from time to time), and with work worked I came home and had another look at today’s Advent Calendar thingy. Eventually I found something to say about it. Much as I like my little Advent stories, they do strain my brain.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good curry which we washed down with a bottle of Sainsbury’s claret (is that clar- IT or clar-EY?) whilst watching a film. Lego Scooby-Doo! Haunted Hollywood was rather good.

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