11 December 2023 (Monday) - This n That

I had something of a lie-in today, not getting up until six o'clock. Taking care to to wake anyone I crept downstairs, had a shave, made toast and watched another episode of "White Gold". Set in 1983 it is worth watching if only for the nostalgia. “er indoors TM once had a perm like the leading lady's, I had a CB radio like the geek's one, and the soundtrack is rather good.
I then had a quick look at Facebook. The boyfriend of an ex-colleague (who hasn't communicated with me in seven years) was having a birthday today. And there was a squabble on one of the Garden Pond Facebook pages. It is worth following the garden Pond pages on Facebook if only for the way the opinionated blatantly contradict themselves. A few months ago everyone was demanding that everyone else install a drain at the bottom of their pond. Today the very same people were demanding that installing a drain at the bottom of your pond was an incredibly stupid thing to do. The reasons why it was a stupid thing to do were (through an amazing twist of logic) exactly the same reasons why it had been a good thing to do a few months ago.
They let these people vote, you know...
I walked several streets away to where I'd parked my car on Saturday, and then drove back home to get my works ID badge which I'd left at home.
I drove up the motorway listening to the radio as I do. For once Ukraine was back in the news. The UK is giving Ukraine two naval ships and President Biden is keen to keep throwing money at Ukraine even though the American Senate has said a resounding "No" to his plan to give them sixty billion dollars.
Whilst I am in no way advocating Armageddon, I can't help but wonder why the UK and the USA don't just bomb Russia themselves rather than egging on someone else to do so. I am reminded of being in the playground at primary school offering to hold the coat of the smallest child in the class if he would go give the class bully a slap.
Work was surprisingly busy; perhaps had I not spent quite so long swapping my shifts about I might have spent more time on what I was supposed to be doing. But having been given duties for the next few months I then needed to swap out of the Monday nights (when “er indoors TMis bowling) and the Saturday mornings (Dog Club).
As I alternately swapped shifts and worked so “er indoors TM sent a message. It would seem that during last week's roof maintenance  the nice builder dropped a tile into the garden of not-so-nice-next-door and poggered her window frame. Did he? I'm not for one minute saying that not-so-nice-next-door is claiming he did so as to get a previously damaged window fixed. However her long-gone husband would certainly have done that; I'm sure he did that during the loft conversion of twenty years ago.
With work worked I came home. “er indoors TM boiled up dinner and then set off bowling. I posted up today’s installment of the Advent Calendar. This year’s story seems to be a tad vague; but we are almost half-way through. Time flies, eh?
 I really should start putting waterproof dubbin on my new boots… but I’m on the sofa underneath a pile of dogs…

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