6 February 2023 (Monday) - An Easier Drive

Unusually the alarm woke me this morning; that never happens! I woke feeling rather rough which was either the port yesterday evening, or the stress of having “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TM about the house. Much as I love him, he can be hard work at times.
I am reliably informed that today he made a new verse for that classic song “The Wheels on the Bus” which goes “the weapons on the bus go bang bang bang…
I got up and took the puppies outside, and in a novel break with tradition new-next-door's boiler was making noises. That has been silent since the ex postie with the motorbike (that never went anywhere) moved out three months ago. Having tiddled, the puppies went and harassed a sleeping “er indoors TM and I made toast for brekkie and a sandwich for lunch. I scoffed the toast whilst watching the last episode of the current season of "Star Trek: Discovery". It was rather good, but I now need to find something else to keep me occupied.
I set off up the motorway to work. Much as I whinge about the motorway now being a dual carriageway, I far prefer driving up it than along the country lanes to Pembury. Even the antics of two lanes of slow-moving lorries forcing all the cars into the fast lane is better than the twists and turns through the -hursts and the -dens.
As I drove there was a lot of talk on the radio about the earthquake that hit Turkey overnight. The earthquake was felt thousands of miles away, and the death toll is in the thousands. Looking at the map it would seem the epicentre of the earthquake was only a few hundred miles from where we went on holiday a few years ago. This made me think... did you know that no one has ever successfully forecast a major earthquake?
You'd think that being able to do this might be a priority, wouldn't you?
Much of the rest of the news was about the strikes in the NHS which were happening today. A good thing or a bad thing for the future of the NHS?...  I can hardly claim to be impartial, but I'll just make the observation that a lot of hospitals these days have a section in their staff newsletters advertising where the local food banks can be found. Does anyone think that people are going to take up a job knowing full well that it won't pay enough to feed them?
I had planned to go on a little wander round the streets Munzing before work, but I thought better of the idea. Instead I just took a little detour and did a SleepZee as you can do them from the comfort of the car without having to get up.
I got to work and parked up, and just as I realised I'd forgotten my sandwich so er indoors TM sent a message telling me I'd forgotten my sandwich. I suppose that is why God (or blind chance) put a branch of M&S just down the corridor from my bit of work.
I bought a sandwich, got to work, set myself up at a microscope and (realising I would be staying put for some time) phoned the probate people. I got through in a far shorter time than I had expected; it only took half an hour to get a reply. After a little to-ing and fro-ing it appears that the reason for the delay on getting probate on Dad's house was that there was a trivial question that I hadn't answered when I emailed them on 18 November. The very helpful (!) woman said that they had realised the oversight on my part, but didn't see why they should tell me about it. She implied that had I not chased them up then I would have probably waited for ever for them to contact me... as they in turn waited for ever for me to do something about which I was utterly unaware.
I asked how long it would be before we got the probate done. She (I thought) rather sarcastically replied that it all depended on how long I took to send them the information they wanted. I told her they would have it by email within ten minutes, and she seemed genuinely surprised about that. She then made the schoolboy error of saying that once they'd got my email, it should all be done in a few days... and on realising what she'd said immediately tried to back-track.
It must be wonderful to work in a place with no urgency whatsoever.
I got on with work, and with it done I came home just as it was getting dark. The view from the car park was rather pretty this evening.  er indoors TM” boiled up some pizza then went bowling. I ironed shirts, then settled down on the sofa underneath a pile of dogs and watched a film on Netflix.  Jung-E was… What can I say? I think the best word to describe the film would be “tedious”. Without giving the plot away the film is a sort of Korean prequel to “Terminator” which loses an awful lot in translation.
I suppose if nothing else it was something to watch whilst the washing machine worked its magic on my smalls, though the view through the washing machine’s port hole was probably more interesting.

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