19 February 2023 (Sunday) - Bluebell Hill to Nashenden (and back)

I slept rather well last night… perhaps the fourth pint of light & mild had some bearing on that. “er indoors TM let the pups up at early o’clock, and we all dozed contentedly for a while.
Over toast I had a look at the Internet and rolled my eyes at the squabbling about Friday’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard”. There has always been squabbling about Star Trek by the fans, but it is getting out of hand these days. Thirty years away the only way to interact with other Trekkies was via the fan made newsletters and magazines. I used to subscribe to one; there’s an archive of the things here. But if I disagreed with what someone had said I would have to write a letter, get a stamp and envelope and post it. All that took time, and so I would think about what I was saying, and re-write and re-draft so that (hopefully) what I was saying was clear and to the point. These days with the instant communication of the Internet people misunderstand what others write, respond (in less than a minute) with “you are a cock” and it all goes downhill from there.
Such a shame…
It was at that point that Morgan and Bailey appeared on either side of me and started to use me as a battleground. I saw that as a hint to get up and get on.
We got ourselves and the dogs organised and drove up to Bluebell Hill. A new series of geocaches had gone live up there. What used to be a regular weekly outing has become something of a novelty. We were all soon together and off on our walk. It was a tad breezy across the top of the hill, but the views… beautiful. We’d never have seen them if not for this silly hobby of ours. It was a shame that both puppies had to roll in something disgusting about a third of the way round, but that’s the way dogs roll in the shire. As we walked we found a little stall selling jam for a greyhound charity, so I got some. Perhaps I paid too much, but it was all for a good cause.
Geocache-wise it was a rather good series. Some hides were trickier than others, all reasonably spaced out on a route which was pretty and easy to follow. I would certainly recommend it.
I (and the dogs) slept all the way home. “er indoors TM took a little diversion to Tesco (for dog food) and we all slept through that too. Once home the smaller dogs had an obligatory scrub; if you don’t want to be forcibly bathed, don’t roll in fox poo. A little maxim which is just as applicable to people as it is to dogs.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good curry which we scoffed whilst watching this evening’s episode of “Lego Masters: Australia”. A Hallowe’en themed episode… maybe we might have themed evenings at Lego club?
I’m feeling worn out – I’ve got out of the habit of going for long walks…

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